
Rails Event Store in a more Rails way

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Active Event Store

Active Event Store is a wrapper over Rails Event Store which adds conventions and transparent Rails integration.


Why creating a wrapper and not using Rails Event Store itself?

RES is an awesome project but, in our opinion, it lacks Rails simplicity and elegance (=conventions and less boilerplate). It's an advanced tool for advanced developers. We've been using it in multiple projects in a similar way, and decided to extract our approach into this gem (originally private).

Secondly, we wanted to have a store implementation independent API that would allow us to adapterize the actual event store in the future (something like ActiveEventStore.store_engine = :rails_event_store or ActiveEventStore.store_engine = :hanami_events).

Sponsored by Evil Martians


Add the gem to your project:

# Gemfile
gem "active_event_store", "~> 1.0"

Setup database according to the Rails Event Store docs:

rails generate rails_event_store_active_record:migration
rails db:migrate


  • Ruby (MRI) >= 2.6
  • Rails >= 6.0
  • RailsEventStore >= 2.1


Describe events

Events are represented by event classes, which describe events payloads and identifiers:

class ProfileCompleted < ActiveEventStore::Event
  # (optional) event identifier is used for transmitting events
  # to subscribers.
  # By default, identifier is equal to `name.underscore.gsub('/', '.')`.
  # You don't need to specify identifier manually, only for backward compatibility when
  # class name is changed.
  self.identifier = "profile_completed"

  # Add attributes accessors
  attributes :user_id

  # Sync attributes only available for sync subscribers
  # (so you can add some optional non-JSON serializable data here)
  # For example, we can also add `user` record to the event to avoid
  # reloading in sync subscribers
  sync_attributes :user

NOTE: we use JSON to serialize events, thus only the simple field types (numbers, strings, booleans) are supported.

Each event has predefined (reserved) fields:

  • event_id – unique event id
  • type – event type (=identifier)
  • metadata

We suggest to use a naming convention for event classes, for example, using the past tense and describe what happened (e.g. "ProfileCreated", "EventPublished", etc.).

We recommend to keep event definitions in the app/events folder.

Events registration

Since we use abstract identifiers instead of class names, we need a way to tell our mapper how to infer an event class from its type.

In most cases, we register events automatically when they're published or when a subscription is created.

You can also register events manually:

# by passing an event class
ActiveEventStore.mapper.register_event MyEventClass

# or more precisely (in that case `event.type` must be equal to "my_event")
ActiveEventStore.mapper.register "my_event", MyEventClass

Publish events

To publish an event you must first create an instance of the event class and call ActiveEventStore.publish method:

event = ProfileCompleted.new(user_id: user.id)

# or with metadata
event = ProfileCompleted.new(user_id: user.id, metadata: {ip: request.remote_ip})

# then publish the event

That's it! Your event has been stored and propagated to the subscribers.

Subscribe to events

To subscribe a handler to an event you must use ActiveEventStore.subscribe method.

You can do this in your app or engine initializer:

# some/engine.rb

# To make sure event store has been initialized use the load hook
# `store` == `ActiveEventStore`
ActiveSupport.on_load :active_event_store do |store|
  # async subscriber – invoked from background job, enqueued after the current transaction commits
  # NOTE: all subscribers are asynchronous by default
  store.subscribe MyEventHandler, to: ProfileCreated

  # sync subscriber – invoked right "within" `publish` method
  store.subscribe MyEventHandler, to: ProfileCreated, sync: true

  # anonymous handler (could only be synchronous)
  store.subscribe(to: ProfileCreated, sync: true) do |event|
    # do something

  # you can omit event if your subscriber follows the convention
  # for example, the following subscriber would subscribe to
  # ProfileCreated event
  store.subscribe OnProfileCreated::DoThat

Subscribers could be any callable Ruby objects that accept a single argument (event) as its input.

We suggest putting subscribers to the app/subscribers folder using the following convention: app/subscribers/on_<event_type>/<subscriber.rb>, e.g. app/subscribers/on_profile_created/create_chat_user.rb.

NOTE: Active Job must be loaded to use async subscribers (i.e., require "active_job/railtie" or require "rails/all" in your config/application.rb).


You can test subscribers as normal Ruby objects.

NOTE: Currently, we provide additional matchers only for RSpec. PRs with Minitest support are welcomed!

To test that a given subscriber exists, you can use the have_enqueued_async_subscriber_for matcher:

# for asynchronous subscriptions
it "is subscribed to some event" do
  event = MyEvent.new(some: "data")
  expect { ActiveEventStore.publish event }
    .to have_enqueued_async_subscriber_for(MySubscriberService)

NOTE: You must have rspec-rails gem in your bundle to use have_enqueued_async_subscriber_for matcher.

For synchronous subscribers using have_received is enough:

it "is subscribed to some event" do
  allow(MySubscriberService).to receive(:call)

  event = MyEvent.new(some: "data")

  ActiveEventStore.publish event

  expect(MySubscriberService).to have_received(:call).with(event)

To test event publishing, use have_published_event matcher:

expect { subject }.to have_published_event(ProfileCreated).with(user_id: user.id)

NOTE: have_published_event only supports block expectations.

NOTE 2 with modifier works like have_attributes matcher (not contain_exactly); you can only specify serializable attributes in with (i.e. sync attributes are not supported, 'cause they are not persistent).


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/palkan/active_event_store.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.