
A Typescript/JS library for Vuex and Google Firebase Firestore

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fiery Vuex


Vuex binding for Google Firebase Cloud Firestore.

Relies on fiery-data and is a sister library to fiery-vue - you can go there to see more advanced examples on how to call $fiery


Features inherited from fiery-data

  • Documents example
  • Collections (stored as array or map) example
  • Queries (stored as array or map) example
  • Streams (stored as array or map) example
  • Pagination example
  • Real-time or once example
  • Adding, updating, sync, removing, remove field example
  • Sub-collections (with cascading deletions!) example
  • Return instances of a class example
  • Add active record methods (sync, update, remove, clear, getChanges) example
  • Control over what properties are sent on save example
  • Encode & decode properties example
  • Adding the key and exists to the document example
  • Sharing, extending, defining, and global options example
  • Callbacks (error, success, missing, remove) example
  • Custom binding / unbinding example



  • fiery-data: ^0.4.0 (pulled into build files)
  • firebase ^5.0.0 (a runtime dependency only, since you are passing the references)
  • vue: ^1.0.28 (not an actual dependency, since you are calling Vue.use yourself)
  • vuex: ^2.2.0 (not an actual dependency)



Installation via npm : npm install --save fiery-vuex



import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import FieryVuex, { fieryBindings, fieryActions, fieryMutations, fieryMapMutations, fieryState } from 'fiery-vuex'
import firebase from 'firebase'



// FieryVuex.$fiery is available now, but not needed

const app = firebase.initializeApp({ ... })
const fs = firebase.firestore(app);

Example (ES2015)

// The store has the following functionality:
// - store.commit( 'finishTodo', todo )
// - store.commit( 'nextPage' )
// - store.dispatch( 'setTodo', todoId )
// - store.dispatch( 'loadTodos' )
// - store.dispatch( 'searchTodos', {done: true, limit: 10} )
// - store.dispatch( 'checkForChanges' )

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    currentTodo: null,
    todos: [],
    // this should not be used in strict mode, since this document or collection will receive real-time updates outside of a mutation
    ...fieryState($fiery => {
      specificTodo: $fiery(fs.collection('todos').doc(23))
  mutations: {
    // functions you want access to $fiery to perform operations
      // store.commit('finishTodo', todo)
      finishTodo (state, todo, $fiery) {
        todo.done = true;
        todo.done_at = new Date();
      // store.commit('nextPage') - only makes sense when searchTodos called
      nextPage (state, payload, $fiery) {
    // mutation which is given a result of a binding
    setTodos (state, getTodos) {
      state.todos = getTodos()
    // or you can specify multiple mutations at once which take binding results
      // mutation: stateVar
      'setTodo': 'currentTodo'
  actions: {
    // bind results of actions to variables, automatically calls listed mutation
    // when data changes from Firestore
      // store.dispatch( 'setTodo', todoId )
      setTodo (context, todoId, $fiery) {
        return $fiery(fs.collection('todos').doc(todoId), {}, 'setTodo') // must list mutation here
      // store.dispatch( 'loadTodos' )
      loadTodos (context, payload, $fiery) {
        return $fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {}, 'setTodos')
      // store.dispatch( 'searchTodos', {done: true, limit: 10} )
      searchTodos (context, {done, limit}, $fiery) {
        const options = {
          query: q => q.where('done', '==', done),
          limit: limit
        return $fiery(fs.collection('todos'), options, 'setTodos')
    // custom actions with access to $fiery
      checkForChanges ({state, commit}, payload, $fiery) {
        // return a promise so you can chain this action
        return $fiery.getChanges(state.currentTodo).then(changes => {
          commit('evaluateChanges', changes)

Example (TypeScript)

import { FieryRecordSave, FieryRecordRemove } from 'fiery-vuex'

class Todo {
  name: string = ''
  done: boolean = false
  done_at: Date | null = null

  save: FieryRecordSave
  remove: FieryRecordRemove

const TodoOptions = {
  shared: true,
  type: Todo,
  include: ['name', 'done', 'done_at'],
  timestamps: ['done_at'],
  record: true,
  recordOptions: {
    save: 'save',
    remove: 'remove'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    currentTodo: null as Todo | null,
    todos: [] as Todo[],
    // this should not be used in strict mode, since this document or collection will receive real-time updates outside of a mutation
    ...fieryState($fiery => {
      specificTodo: $fiery(fs.collection('todos').doc(23), TodoOptions) as Todo
  mutations: {
      nextPage (state, payload, $fiery) {
    // with active record, we don't need $fiery mutation
    finishTodo (state, todo) {
      todo.done = true
      todo.done_at = new Date()
      'setTodos': 'todos',
      'setTodo': 'currentTodo'
  actions: {
      setTodo (context, todoId, $fiery): Todo {
        return $fiery(fs.collection('todos').doc(todoId), TodoOptions, 'setTodo') // must list mutation here
      loadTodos (context, payload, $fiery): Todo[] {
        return $fiery(fs.collection('todos'), TodoOptions, 'setTodos')
      searchTodos (context, {done, limit}, $fiery): Todo[] {
        const options = {
          extends: TodoOptions,
          query: q => q.where('done', '==', done),
          limit: limit
        return $fiery(fs.collection('todos'), options, 'setTodos')

Example (JS)

var fieryMutation = FieryVuex.fieryMutation;
var fieryBinding = FieryVuex.fieryBinding;
var fieryAction = FieryVuex.fieryAction;
var fieryState = FieryVuex.fieryState;

var store = new Vuex.Store({
  // You must wrap the entire state with fieryState if you want access to $fiery
  // this should not be used in strict mode, since this document or collection will receive real-time updates outside of a mutation
  state: fieryState(function($fiery) {
    return {
      currentTodo: null,
      todos: [],
      specificTodo: $fiery(fs.collection('todos').doc(23))
  mutations: {
    finishTodo: fieryMutation(function(state, todo, $fiery) {
      todo.done = true;
      todo.done_at = new Date();
    nextPage: fieryMutation(function(state, payload, $fiery) {
    setTodos: function(state, getTodos) {
      state.todos = getTodos();
    setTodo: function(state, getTodo) {
      state.currentTodo = getTodo();
  actions: {
    // For JS, you need to list the action name and return the result of calling $fiery
    setTodo: fieryBinding('setTodo', function(context, todoId, $fiery) {
      return $fiery(fs.collection('todos').doc(todoId), {}, 'setTodo')
    loadTodos: fieryBinding('loadTodos', function(context, payload, $fiery) {
      return $fiery(fs.collection('todos'), {}, 'setTodos');
    searchTodos: fieryBinding('searchTodos', function(context, search, $fiery) {
      var options = {
        limit: search.limit,
        query: function(q) {
          return q.where('done', '==', search.done)
      return $fiery(fs.collection('todos'), options, 'setTodos')
    checkForChanges: fieryAction(function(context, payload, $fiery) {
      return $fiery.getChanges(context.state.currentTodo).then(function(changes) {
        context.commit('evaluateChanges', changes);

Document Example

const SET_POST = 'setPost'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    post: null
  mutations: {
    // since state should only be modified synchronously through mutations, this
    // is necessary so the action below can update the post when it changes.
    [SET_POST] (state, getPost) {
      state.post = getPost()
      // you can do other stuff in here, stuff you want done each time post changes
    // this is equivalent and can generate multiple mutations in one call.
      [SET_POST]: 'post'
  actions: {
      // state is modified asynchronously through actions, this will call setPost
      // with a function which MUST be called ONCE or the post will not be updated
      // with the data from Firestore
      loadPost (context, postId, $fiery) {
        return $fiery(fs.collection('posts').doc(postId), {}, SET_POST)

// SET post to posts/123
// this returns a promise which resolves when the post is first loaded from cache/server
store.dispatch('loadPost', 123)

Collection Example

const SET_GROUPS = 'setGroups'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    groups: []
  mutations: {
    // since state should only be modified synchronously through mutations, this
    // is necessary so the action below can update the groups when they change
    [SET_GROUPS] (state, getGroups) {
      state.groups = getGroups()
      // you can do other stuff in here, stuff you want done each time groups changes
    // this is equivalent and can generate multiple mutations in one call.
      [SET_GROUPS]: 'groups'
  actions: {
      // state is modified asynchronously through actions, this will call setGroups
      // with a function which MUST be called ONCE or the groups will not be updated
      // with the data from Firestore
      loadGroups (context, search, $fiery) {
        const options = {
          query: q => {
            if (search.user) return q.where('users', 'array-contains', search.user)
            if (search.code) return q.where('code', '==', search.code)
            return q
        return $fiery(fs.collection('groups'), options, SET_GROUPS)

// this returns a promise which resolves when the post is first loaded from cache/server
store.dispatch('loadGroups') // all groups
store.dispatch('loadGroups', {user: 34}) // all groups with user 34
store.dispatch('loadGroups', {code: 'ABC'}) // all groups with code ABC

Mutation Example

const FINISH_TASK = 'finishTask'
const ADD_TASK = 'addTask'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  mutations: {
    // This will call mutations normally but passes $fiery so operations can be
    // performed on the state or payload.
      [FINISH_TASK] (state, task, $fiery) {
        task.done = true
        task.done_at = new Date()
        $fiery.save(task) // creates or updates the task
      [ADD_TASK] (state, name, $fiery) {
        const task = $fiery(fs.collection('tasks').doc(), {once: true}) // we don't want real-time updates of this object
        task.name = name

// updates the task and saves it to Firestore
store.commit(FINISH_TASK, task)

// adds a new task
store.commit(ADD_TASK, 'Task Name')

Action Example

const EVALUATE_CHANGES = 'evaluateChanges'
const CHECK_FOR_CHANGES = 'checkForChanges'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    todo: null
  mutations: {
    [EVALUATE_CHANGES] (state, changes) {
      // do something with the changes found in todo
  actions: {
    // This will call actions normally but passes $fiery so operations can be
    // performed on the context or payload
      [CHECK_FOR_CHANGES] ({state, commit}, payload, $fiery) {
        // return a promise so you can chain this action like normal
        return $fiery.getChanges(state.todo).then(changes => {
          commit(EVALUATE_CHANGES, changes)

// runs the possibly asynchronous operation of comparing local changes to
// remote changes for a todo
store.dispatch(CHECK_FOR_CHANGES) //: Promise

Strict Example

Vue.use(FieryVue, {strict: true})

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  strict: true
  // ...