
Converts a folder of image into webp format while keeping the same file structure.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Used to create the newer compress library.

It can be installed using npm install @chubkey/compress


Converts a folder of image into webp format while keeping the same file structure.

Configure by adding a .env file.

Example .env

TARGET="C:\Users\jason\test\Projects\webp-converter\images" <-- folder of images to be converted

DEST="C:\Users\jason\test\Projects\webp-converter\compressed" <-- folder of converted webp images

QUALITY=100 <-- quality of the webp images (1-100)

.env must follow the same format as the example


After setting up the .env file, type npm install to download the neccessary dependencies in the same directory as index.js and type in npm start to begin converting.