iDempiere Documentation

This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.

Github Editing

There are two ways to edit this site:

  1. Through the github interface.
  2. Through the source code.

Since most users cannot directly commit to the repository, you will need to perform a pull request to perform edits. This process is quite easy when editing pages directly from the github web interface. Below is a description of how the process works in github.

If you wish to download and modify the source code, you will need to fork, modify and create a pull request. This process is discussed below.

Github Interface

You are welcome to perform basic edits using the htts:// web interface. Here is a quick summary:

  • Navigate to any given page (example:
  • Click on the 'edit this page' link at the bottom of the page.
  • Since most users cannot directly commit to the repository, github will guide you through

Source Code Installation

If you wish to make and test local edits, use the following instructions:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm list-remote
nvm install v18.16.0
git clone
npm install
npm install @giscus/react
npm run build
npm run serve

Internationalization and Translation

The purpose of this section is to offer a cheatsheet for adding an new locale and translations. Here are the details:

  • Start with the docusaurus internationalization introduction and 3 sub-pages.
  • Quick notes:
    • Modify docusaurus.config.js to include your desired locale (example: locales: ['en', 'fr', 'fa'],)
    • Run the command to write the translation details
      • npm run write-translations -- --locale es
    • Assuming you are manually translating your document (not using Crowdin), execute the mkdir/copy statements from here:
    • Start translating...
    • Note: copying over the files to be translated is essentially like forking the documentation. It is recommended that you wait until the English docs are near-complete before copying over the content to minimize syncing efforts for future edits.