
little toy dbt project

DBT Materialize

Create clusters in Materialize

Go to https://console.materialize.com and create a cluster for compute, a cluster for sources, a schema for other sources managed outside of this dbt project, and a table in that schema.

create cluster chuck size '25cc';
create cluster chuck_sources size '25cc';
set cluster = chuck_sources;
create schema other_source_schema;
set schema = other_source_schema;
create table materialize.other_source_schema.my_table (id int, content text);
insert into my_table values (1,'hi'), (2,'hello');


python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install dbt-materialize
source .env

Manage sources

It is typically not recommended to manage sources in dbt since they are considered long running infrastructure. However, it can be convenient if you have quickly evolving schemas.

This project has one source managed within the project, models/sources/counter.sql, and one external source, a table called t.

Manage sources within dbt

See models/sources/counter.sql for an example. One thing to note is dbt will prefix the given schema with the target schema. In this case, the schema defined in the model is source_schema and the target schema is public, so this will evaluate to public_source_schema.

Reference external sources via sources in schema.yml file

If you manage sources outside of dbt, you can still reference them in your dbt project. See how the external source t is declared in models/schema.yml and referenced in models/views/mv.sql. Now the source t will be available in the lineage view of your generated dbt docs and referable in the rest of your project.

Avoid rebuilding sources

Rebuilding a source can be an expensive operation because Materialize has to re-ingest all of the source data. You can avoid touching sources in dbt with the --exclude flag.

    dbt run --exclude config.materialized:source

For extra safety, you should make this the default behavior using selectors.yml.

For the Postgres source, if you have a single table you'd like to re-ingest because of a schema change, you should do so by dropping and re-creating that particular subsource (doc), creating the appropriate indexes, and then running dbt models downstream of that subsource.

Run SQL models

Rebuilding an entire data DAG can take considerable time to rehydrate.

Run a particular model (--models) and it's dependencies (+).

    dbt run --models ./models/views/mv.sql+

Blue/Green deployment

See https://materialize.com/docs/manage/blue-green/ for the latest documentation.

The Materialize dbt adapter now has macros to help with blue/green deployments. In this deployment, we want to

  1. Create a new cluster and schema.
  2. Run this dbt workload there.
  3. Check if the new workload is healthy and run tests.
  4. If healthy, swap out the old cluster and schema for the new and drop the old cluster and schema.
  5. If not healthy, do not move forward with the swap and drop the unhealthy attempt.

Configure deployments

In dbt_project.yml, create a deployment variable and list the clusters and schemas you want to do a blue/green deployment with. Here is an example that uses the chuck target.

        - chuck
        - chuck_sources
        - public
        - public_source_schema

Create deployment environment

Use the deploy_init macro to create a new cluster and schema. These will show up as the old cluster and schema except with _dbt_deploy suffixed.

dbt run-operation deploy_init

In this example, this will create these clusters:

  • chuck_dbt_deploy
  • chuck_sources_dbt_deploy

and these schemas:

  • public_dbt_deploy
  • source_schema_dbt_deploy

Run workload in new environment

The Materialize adapter will look for the deploy boolean and suffix models with dbt_deploy to run the workload in the new deployment environment.

In this case, I manage the counter source inside my dbt project and I want to explicitly deploy new instance of the source.

dbt run --vars 'deploy: True' \
  --select models/sources/counter.sql

Now I deploy the rest of the models.

dbt run --vars 'deploy: True'

Wait for hydration

Now that the new workload is running, it needs to read all of its inputs and hydrate its state before it is ready to serve up-to-date results. This macro measures how up-to-date the new objects are and returns successfully when all objects have a lag of less than 1 second.

dbt run-operation deploy_await

Run tests

Now you can run tests on the deployment environment to ensure it is ready for promotion.


This macro (atomically) swaps the deploy environment for the original production environment. This swap is transparent to clients (except for SUBSCRIBE). They will connect to the newly deployed cluster without any configuration changes.

dbt run-operation deploy_promote

Clean up

This macro drops the _dbt_deploy suffixed clusters and schemas. This will break SUBSCRIBE client connections still attached to the old cluster. On retry, the client will automatically connect to the newly deployed cluster without configuration changes.

dbt run-operation deploy_cleanup


I have a little table t that I like to use that gets blasted away during this process. To get back my little t

dbt seed