Those are examples of possible MVC file structures using Phalcon >= 0.5.x
- Simple: This is the very simple MVC structure
- Simple-Without-Application: Simple MVC structure without Phalcon\Mvc\Application
- Single: This a single-module MVC structure without namespaces
- Single-Namespaces: This a single-module MVC structure with namespaces
- Single-Factory-Default: This a single-module MVC structure as is generated by Phalcon-Devtools
- Multiple: This a multi-module MVC structure
- Multiple-Shared-Views: This a multi-module MVC structure with a common views directory
- Multiple-Factory-Default: This a multi-module MVC structure as is generated by Phalcon-Devtools
- Micro: A micro-framework like application
- Micro-Factory-Default: A micro-framework like application as is generated by Phalcon-Devtools