tenshi 0.15 README Copyright 2004-2014 Andrea Barisani andrea@inversepath.com
tenshi is a log monitoring program, designed to watch one or more log files for lines matching user defined regular expressions and report on the matches. The regular expressions are assigned to queues which have an alert interval and a list of mail recipients.
Please read the example tenshi.conf and tenshi.8 man page for usage instructions.
tenshi was formerly known as wasabi. The name was changed to tenshi after we were informed that wasabi is a registered trademark relating to another piece of software.
It should be noted that tenshi was initially a perl rewrite of Oak (http://www.ktools.org).
Consider the following settings in tenshi.conf:
set hidepid on
set queue mail tenshi@localhost sysadmin@localhost [0 */12 * * *]
set queue misc tenshi@localhost sysadmin@localhost [0 */24 * * *]
set queue critical tenshi@localhost sysadmin@localhost [now]
group ^ipop3d:
mail ^ipop3d: Login user=(.+)
mail ^ipop3d: Logout user=(.+)
mail ^ipop3d: pop3s SSL service init from (.+)
mail ^ipop3d: pop3 service init from (.+)
mail ^ipop3d: Command stream end of file, while reading.+
mail ^ipop3d: Command stream end of file while reading.+
critical ^ipop3d: Login failed.+
trash ^ipop3d:.+
critical ^sudo: (.+) : TTY=(.+) ; PWD=(.+) ; USER=root ; COMMAND=(.+)
misc .*
Every ipop3d message not matched by the regexps assigned to the queue mail or critical will be matched by the queue trash (a builtin null queue), any other message will be matched by queue misc. Fields enclosed in (.+) are masked.
This is a sample report for the mail queue (sent every 12 hours):
79: ipop3d: Login user=___
74: ipop3d: Logout user=___
30: ipop3d: Login user=___
30: ipop3d: Logout user=___
19: ipop3d: pop3 service init from ___
12: ipop3d: pop3s SSL service init from ___
1: ipop3d: Command stream end of file while reading line user=??? host=bogus.domain.net []
1: ipop3d: Command stream end of file, while reading authentication host=bogus1.domain.net []
These are sample reports for the critical queue (sent every time a message matches the regexp):
1: /usr/bin/sudo: ___ : TTY=___ ; PWD=___ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/dmesg
1: /usr/bin/sudo: ___ : TTY=___ ; PWD=___ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
1: ipop3d: Login failed user=admin auth=admin host=bogus1.domain.net []
1: ipop3d: Autologout user=??? host=bogus.domain.net []
A working 'tail' implementation, when using the logfile option.
The Net::SMTP perl module to mail reports, typically included in perl installations.
The IO::BufferedSelect perl module.
The Redis perl module, when using the redisqueue option.
Any missing module can be downloaded from CPAN (http://www.cpan.org) or
installed using the CPAN shell (perl -e shell -MCPAN
The tenshi project page is http://www.inversepath.com/tenshi.html
Please report any bugs you find at tenshi@inversepath.com.