
Miscellaneous Projects

Primary LanguagePython


This folder contains a selection of projects I have made.

Coding Projects

  • secretSanta is a program I wrote for my family to assign random secret santas where no one can get themselves or their own spouse. The program also automatically emails everyone who they have with a customized message.}

  • fansiteAnalytics is a project that implements several analytic and security features for a fictional NASA fansite.

  • paymoFraud is an app that analyzes transaction data using a modified breadth-first search algorithm to alert users if a person requesting a transaction is not within a specified distance in the social network.

Coding Exercises and Courses

  • scripts is a collection of computational solutions to math problems, implementations of algorithms, parsing exercises, and other scripts. Written mostly in Python.

  • linearProgramming is a file that contains a simplex program I wrote to solve linear optimization problems.

  • natureOfCode contains object-oriented simulations that employ concepts of vectors, particles, and randomness.

Mathematics Research

  • braidGroupThesis is my undergraduate honors thesis which investigates the Braid Group on Four Strands.

  • RUTE contains work I did as a Research for Undergraduates in Theoretical Ecology fellow. I analyzed vital statistical data of pea aphids to inform a stage-based matrix model for the population.

Mathematics Curriculum

  • lessonDesign contains Geogebra applets and different activities I've designed for teachers and students. The .ggb files are for a program called GeoGebra, which can be downloaded or run on the web at GeoGebra.org. I created these files as a teacher in Los Angeles to explore geometric concepts. Exploration and play is important for discovery. The Golden Crown activity is a task I modified to reflect an inquiry approach to learning Mathematics. It illustrates my understanding that modeling in Mathematics is best learned by exploring rich tasks whose context gives intellectual need for the mathematics. Students learn by constructing their understanding through messy collaboration which is refined by individual articulation.

  • As an author for Illustrative Mathematics, I designed, drafted, and reviewed significant portions of an Open Education Resource (OER) curriculumavailable for free at Open Up Resources.