- openframeworks wrapper for libwebsockets (http://git.warmcat.com/cgi-bin/cgit/libwebsockets/)
- implements both client and server functionality of libwebsockets
- based on Paul Reimer's work on ofxWebUI (https://github.com/paulreimer/ofxWebUI) and jason vancleave's ofxLibWebSockets (https://github.com/jvcleave/ofxLibWebSockets)
- Via OF Project Generator:
- Delete ofxLibwebsockets/libs/libwebsockets/include/win32port
- Add ofxLibwebsockets to your addons via the projectGenerator
- That's it!
- Adding to a new/existing project:
Include ofxLibwebsockets' xcconfig file via your project's Project.xcconfig file:
- Define where it lives:
OFX_LWS_PATH = "$(OF_PATH)/addons/ofxLibwebsockets"
- Include ofxLibwebsockets xcconfig
#include "../../../addons/ofxLibwebsockets/ofxLibwebsockets.xcconfig"
- Add to existing vars in Project.xcconfig:
- Define where it lives:
- Via OF Project Generator:
- Adding to new/existing project:
Add the ofxLibwebsockets source files to the C++ Linker
- right click on project in the solution explorer, click "Properties", Go down to C++ > General
- click the arrow at the right of "Additional include directories" and select "edit"
- add the ofxLibwebsockets source files:
..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\jsoncpp ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\jsoncpp\json ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\libwebsockets\include\ ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\openssl\openssl ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\ofxLibwebsockets\include ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\ofxLibwebsockets\include\ofxLibwebsockets ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\ofxLibwebsockets\src ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\src ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\libwebsockets\include\win32port ..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\libwebsockets\include\win32port\win32helpers
- Adding to new/existing project:
2. Add the ofxLibwebsockets paths to the "Additional Library Directories":
* right click on project in the solution explorer, click "Properties", Go down to Linker > General
* click the arrow at the right of "Additional Library Directories" and select "edit"
* add ```..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\libwebsockets\lib\win32\Release``` and ```..\..\..\addons\ofxLibwebsockets\libs\libwebsockets\libs\openssl\lib\win32```
3. Now go down to Linker > Input; open the editor "Additional dependencies" the same way
* In your debug scheme, add libwebsocketswin32d.lib, libeay32.lib, and ssleay32.lib
* In your release scheme, add libwebsocketswin32.lib, libeay32.lib, and ssleay32.lib
* Linux
* 64-bit static version of libwebsockets is included; please let us know if you can contribute a 32 bit version!
* Server example currently works with Chrome, and Safari (need to test FF)
* Server and Client both support SSL, message sending/receiving, broadcasting, protocols and channels
* Client example currently tested with server example, echo.websockets.org (with and without SSL), local Autobahn ws server
* Add functionality to examples
* More fun examples
* Compile for 32-bit linux