
Fetches Jupyter notebook from a remote github url, reads, and converts into nice-readable markdown.

Primary LanguagePython


Automatically reads JSON from a given URL, and parses it into good markdown that fits with Hugo website (any theme).

Here are the instructions to set up:


  1. Git clone in a folder/directory one step-up from your hugo website
  2. conda env create -f environment.yml to create conda environemnt.

Using in hugo

  1. Create a new hugo post with hugo new posts/my_post_here.md
  2. Surround the part of your page your importing from with with {{< start_token >}} and {{< end_token >}}
  3. Go back to the cloned directory, and edit the post_to_url.json file as follows:

with the format of "any-language;posts/post_url.md":"githubrawlink"

  1. Lastly, copy shortcodes for detail_rain, code_output, and others in your /layouts/shortcodes directory in your site. For tutorials on creating a custom shortcodes look here. detail_rain is the CSS that displays/formats your code, and the code_output formats your output. I have my examples linked in the examples folder, copy all of them here, and modify them later for best results.

Now, running python siteconverter.py should automatically update the posts that you've linked!

Leave an issue if this is not working