HomeKit Accessory Protocol Bridge for the Universal Devices ISY Series of home automation controller.
WWDC14 - Keynote (1:34:39)
WWDC14 - Introduction to HomeKit
WWDC14 - Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X (24:08)
HomeKit Human Interface Guidelines
HomeKit Framework Reference
HomeKit Accessory Protocol (Requires MFi Account)
Hardware IO Tools for Xcode - HomeKit Accessory Simulator (Requires iOS Developer Account)
Universal Devices WSDK and RESTful API
Universal Devices Forum
Name: HAP Bridge RPi B
Manufacturer: raspberrypi.org
Model: B
Serial Number: 0000000012345678 </proc/cpuinfo Serial>
Name: ISY 994i 1024 IR <configuration><product><desc>
Manufacturer: Universal Devices Inc. <configuration><make>
Model: ISY994i Series <configuration><model>
Serial Number: 01:02:03:0a:0b:0c <configuration><root><id>
Version: 4.2.16 <configuration><app_version>