
Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript Tic-Tac-Toe

Using an object-orieneted approach, create a tic-tac-toe game to practice JavaScript/jQuery, OOP, and unit testing with Jasmine.




  1. Create a Game() class that creates instances of the Board() class, Players() class (you need two players) and has a turnCounter property to indicate whose turn it is and determine the winner in case of a draw.


  1. nextPlayer() - sets the turn based on the turnCounter, checks the winner from the Board() class, and updates the DOM.
  2. updateScore() - updates the scroreboard based on the playerScore from the Player() class. Updates the DOM.
  3. init() - initializes a new game with a board and two players. Make sure to add a click event handler for each of the board's cells on the DOM. This should in turn call the makeMove() method on the Board() class.



  1. Create a Player() class that has a team, cellID, and playerScore property.



  1. Create a Board() class that has a 'moveArr' property with a null array to hold the moves along with a $cells property to assign each cell to a box in the DOM. Finally, add an event handler on the reset button to call the resetBoard() method.


  1. makeMove() - sets a box to a player/team and updates the moveArr array. Make sure to prevent occupied boxes from being used (alert the user).
  2. winCondition() - array which holds the winining conditions for the board
  3. checkWinner() - checks the board for winning combinations against the values of each player/team and alerts the players which player won or if it's a tie
  4. resetBoard() - resets the board to its initial state and resets the moveArr holding the player values (via the nullArray() method) and turn counter
  5. nullArray() - resets the moveArr

What else?

  1. Test!
  2. Start the game:
var game = new Game();