
A simple logging library that provides log upload middleware.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple logging library that provides log upload middleware.

Getting help?

If you having problems? You can create an issue.


npm install suplogger


  • Require or import library
// ES6
import SupLogger from "suplogger";
// or commonjs
let SupLogger = require("suplogger");

let logger = new SupLogger();
  • Five log levels

The log level follows the sequence DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and NONE. The values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  • Sets the Log Level.

By selecting a level, you can see log information at that level and at all levels above that level. For example:


then you can see logs in levels ERROR, and WARNING. The default value is NONE and the log is not output.


// ES6
import SupLogger from "suplogger";
let logger = new SupLogger();
logger.error("This is an error msg");

and you will see this on console

[2019-11-25 14:53:33] supLogger [ERROR] -  This is an error msg

if you want to remove or rename the prefix you can do this

logger.setLogLevel(logger.WARNING, "");
logger.error("This is an error msg");

//will output
[2019-11-25 14:53:33] [ERROR] -  This is an error msg

logger.setLogLevel(logger.WARNING, "[awsome SDK]");
logger.error("This is an error msg");

//will output
[2019-11-25 14:53:33] awsome SDK [ERROR] -  This is an error msg
  • Log template

Default template

[2019-11-25 14:53:33] supLogger [ERROR] -  This is an error msg

if you want

  • Outputs Log


logger.error("This is an error msg");
logger.warning("This is an warning msg");
logger.info("This is an info msg");
logger.debug("This is an debug msg");
  • Middleware

if want to upload all output logs , you can create an middle-ware to help you. For example:

 * Method use accept a function as a parameter
 * Note:
 * 1. You can control whether the log is output by the next method.
 * 2. Selecting a level via setLogLevel, you can received log information at that level and at all levels above that level.
logger.use((logData, next) => {
  if (logData.type === "error") {
    // upload error log to your server and not output
  } else {
    // log will be output on console

Tip: use middle-ware before call outputs function(such as logger.error、logger.info).

Complete example

// ES6
import supLogger from "suplogger";
let logger = new SupLogger();
// set log level
// create middle-ware
logger.use((logData, next) => {
  if (logData.type === "error") {
    // upload error log to your server and not output
  } else {
    // log will be output on console

// outputs log
logger.error("This is an error msg");
logger.warning("This is an warning msg");
logger.info("This is an info msg");
logger.debug("This is an debug msg");

you will see This is an error msg and This is an warning msg output on console tab.


check here.