
How I set up a my headless Raspberry Pi 4 "RPi" to farm Chia.

Install Raspbian onto RPi


Set up RPi to connect to wifi

Enable ssh

  • Put ssh into boot folder. Upon reboot, the RPi will be enabled for SSH and the file will be removed from the directory.

Enable wifi

  • Edit wpa_supplicant.conf and put in two letter country code, network name, and password.
  • Put wpa_supplicant.conf into boot folder. Upon reboot, the RPi will connect to the network.

Power up the Pi!

Find its ip

ping raspberrypi.local

Log into pi

  • ssh pi@<ip>
  • password is raspberry

Change password

  • Default password is raspberry.
  • passwd

Change RPi's name

  • Update your RPi's name from raspberrypi to whatever you'd like.
  • Do it here sudo nano /etc/hostname
  • and here sudo nano /etc/hosts
  • Reboot to have it take effect sudo reboot

Install chia-blockchain

Mount external drives

Copy Chia blockchain

rsync -P ~/.chia/mainnet/db/* pi@

TODO: Set up Chiadog

TODO: Robustness