
Optimize and sort assets for iOS and Android devices

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This gulp task takes the asset output from Generate Mobile Assets in the Sketch plugin sketch-mobile-assets, optimizes them, and then sorts them in the output folders for iOS and Android that you define.

You should use this if:
  • You use Sketch
  • You are designing for iOS and Android at the same time (one file creates assets for both platforms)
  • You use sketch-mobile-assets to export your assets
  • You are familiar with the command line, NPM, and Gulp

Install gulp

Install gulp with these instructions

Install these NPM packages

  • npm install gulp-imagemin
  • npm install imagemin-pngquant
  • npm install merge-stream

Edit config.json and define these paths

  • source absolute path to your asset output folder (where you save your assets from Generate Mobile Assets)
  • ios absolute path to your asset directory for your iOS project
  • android absolute path to your asset directory for your Android project. optimize-assets will sort the files into the appropriate drawable Android folders

Now, run gulp!

In the directory that contains gulpfile.js, run gulp in the terminal

Oh yeah!!!