
A library for building communication between microservices. It has simple and small API. It works with amqplib and oriented to RabbitMQ.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A library for building communication between microservices. It has simple and small API. It works with amqplib and oriented to RabbitMQ.


npm install amqp-poster



const Poster = require('amqp-poster');

(async () => {
	const poster = new Poster(options);
	await poster.init();


	name: 'TestService',
	uid:  'inst1',
	subscribe: [{
		exchange:       '',
		oncePerService: true
	prefetch: 10,
	server: {
		port:     5672,
		hostname: 'localhost',
		username: 'guest',
		password: 'guest'
key required type description
name true string Service name. Also it is queue name for listening
uid string String to identify owned queues
subscribe array Collection of exchanges to subscribe
subscribe[].exchange true string Name of exchange to subscribe
subscribe[].oncePerService boolean Apply round robin to messages for one service by name (default false)
prefetch integer How many messages process at one time (default 1)
server true string Connection url like 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672'
server true object Object of connection config. May have next keys: protocol, hotname, port, username, password, locale, frameMax, heartbeat, vhost

Send messages

try {
	let resp = await poster.send('ServiceName', reqObj)
	// some logic
} catch (err) {
	// Handle error

reqObj - object or other variable to send

respObj - response object

err - error from respond-side

Message Handler for incoming messages

poster.setMessageHandler(async (reqObj) => {
	// some logic
	// throw new Error('Some error');
	// or
	return respObj;

reqObj - object or other variable was sent

respObj - object or other variable to send as answer. Can be Promised value

Publish broadcast message

await poster.publish('ExchangeName', reqObj);

Handle broadcast messages

poster.setBroadcastHandler(function (reqObj) {
	// some logic