
How to migrate boards and cards from Trello to Todoist:

0. Preparations

  1. Run in terminal:
git clone https://github.com/chuhaienko/migrate-trello-to-todoist.git
cd migrate-trello-to-todoist
cp .env.example .env

1. Trello authorization

  1. Go to "Power-Ups and Integrations" Trello page https://trello.com/power-ups/admin
  2. Click "New"
  3. Fill form:
    • Name: export
    • Workspace: select your workspace
    • Iframe: leave empty
    • Email: enter your email
    • Support contact: enter your email
    • Author: enter your name
    • Click "Create"
  4. On "API Key" page click "Generate a new API key"
  5. Set TRELLO_API_KEY variable in .env file with "API key" value
  6. Set TRELLO_SECRET variable in .env file with "Secret" value
  7. Don't forget to remove the integration after complete with migration

2. Todoist authorization

  1. Go to "Integrations" Todoist page https://app.todoist.com/app/settings/integrations/developer
  2. Click "Issue a new API token"
  3. Set TODOIST_TOKEN variable in .env file with API token value

3. Migration

  1. Run in terminal:
npm install
npm start

It starts migration process. The script exports data from Trello and import it to Todoist. Script saves exported data to .cache dir, so you can use it as your Trello's backup. Export process is much faster then import, so you can run first time with TODOIST_DRY_RUN=true. It will just export and cache data. No data will be imported to Todoist.


Q: How to just make a backup of Trello data?

A: Set TODOIST_DRY_RUN=true in .env file and run migration

Q: How to just make a backup of Todoist data?

A: It can not do it

Q: Do you collect my data?

A: No. You run migration on your computer, so cache will be stored on your file system. The data will be migrated (copied) from your Trello account to your Todoist account.

Q: I have http error on importing to Todoist

A: There may be errors from Todoist like "Too many object per project". You can try to avoid them with decreasing MAX_SECTIONS value in .env file. Also you can try to move out lists and cards from "big" Trello boards.