
OPI Storage gRPC to SPDK json-rpc bridge

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OPI storage gRPC to SPDK json-rpc bridge

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This is a simple SPDK based storage API PoC.

  • SPDK - container with SPDK app that is running on xPU
  • Server - container with OPI gRPC storage APIs to SPDK json-rpc APIs bridge
  • Client - use goDPU for testing of the above server/bridge

I Want To Contribute

This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. We are happy to have the Community involved via submission of Issues and Pull Requests (with substantive content or even just fixes). We are hoping for the documents, test framework, etc. to become a community process with active engagement. PRs can be reviewed by by any number of people, and a maintainer may accept.

See CONTRIBUTING and GitHub Basic Process for more details.


OPI-SPDK Bridge Block Diagram

The following is the example architecture we envision for the OPI Storage SPDK bridge APIs. It utilizes SPDK to handle storage services, and the configuration is handled by standard JSON-RPC based APIs see https://spdk.io/doc/jsonrpc.html

We recongnise, not all companies use SPDK, so for them only PROTOBUF definitions are going to be the OPI conumable product. For those that wish to use SPDK, this is a refernce implementation not intended to use in production.

OPI Storage SPDK bridge/server

OPI-SPDK Bridge Sequence Diagram

The following is the example sequence diagram for OPI-SPDK bridge APIs. It is just an example and implies SPDK just as example, not mandated by OPI.

OPI Storage SPDK bridge/server

Getting started

QEMU example

Real DPU/IPU example

on DPU/IPU (i.e. with IP= run

$ docker run --rm -it -v /var/tmp/:/var/tmp/ -p 50051:50051 ghcr.io/opiproject/opi-spdk-bridge:main
2022/09/21 21:39:49 server listening at [::]:50051

on X86 management VM run

docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli ls   --json_input --json_output -l
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output CreateNvmeSubsystem "{nvme_subsystem : {spec : {nqn: 'nqn.2022-09.io.spdk:opitest2', serial_number: 'myserial2', model_number: 'mymodel2', max_namespaces: 11} }, nvme_subsystem_id : 'subsystem2' }"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output ListNvmeSubsystems "{parent : 'todo'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output GetNvmeSubsystem "{name : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/subsystem2'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output CreateNvmeController "{nvme_controller : {spec : {nvme_controller_id: 2, subsystem_name_ref : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/subsystem2', pcie_id : {physical_function : 0, virtual_function : 0, port_id: 0}, max_nsq:5, max_ncq:5 } }, nvme_controller_id : 'controller1'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output ListNvmeControllers "{parent : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/subsystem2'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output GetNvmeController "{name : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/controller1'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output CreateNvmeNamespace "{nvme_namespace : {spec : {subsystem_name_ref : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/subsystem2', volume_name_ref : 'Malloc0', 'host_nsid' : '10', uuid:{value : '1b4e28ba-2fa1-11d2-883f-b9a761bde3fb'}, nguid: '1b4e28ba-2fa1-11d2-883f-b9a761bde3fb', eui64: 1967554867335598546 } }, nvme_namespace_id: 'namespace1'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output ListNvmeNamespaces "{parent : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/subsystem2'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output GetNvmeNamespace "{name : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/namespace1'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output StatsNvmeNamespace "{name : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/namespace1'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output CreateNvmeRemoteController "{nvme_remote_controller : {multipath: 'NVME_MULTIPATH_MULTIPATH'}, nvme_remote_controller_id: 'nvmetcp12'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output ListNvmeRemoteControllers "{parent : 'todo'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output GetNvmeRemoteController "{name: '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/nvmetcp12'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output CreateNvmePath "{nvme_path : {controller_name_ref: '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/nvmetcp12', traddr:'', subnqn:'nqn.2016-06.com.opi.spdk.target0', trsvcid:'4444', trtype:'NVME_TRANSPORT_TCP', adrfam:'NVME_ADRFAM_IPV4', hostnqn:'nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress:uuid:feb98abe-d51f-40c8-b348-2753f3571d3c'}, nvme_path_id: 'nvmetcp12path0'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output ListNvmePaths "{parent : 'todo'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output GetNvmePath "{name: '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/nvmetcp12path0'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output DeleteNvmePath "{name: '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/nvmetcp12path0'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output DeleteNvmeRemoteController "{name: '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/nvmetcp12'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output DeleteNvmeNamespace "{name : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/namespace1'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output DeleteNvmeController "{name : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/controller1'}"
docker run --network=host --rm -it namely/grpc-cli call --json_input --json_output DeleteNvmeSubsystem "{name : '//storage.opiproject.org/volumes/subsystem2'}"

Test SPDK is up

curl -k --user spdkuser:spdkpass -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 1, "method": "bdev_get_bdevs", "params": {"name": "Malloc0"}}'

gRPC CLI examples

From https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/blob/master/Documentation/server-reflection-tutorial.md


alias grpc_cli='docker run --network=opi-spdk-bridge_opi --rm -it namely/grpc-cli'

See services

$ grpc_cli ls opi-spdk-server:50051

See commands

$ grpc_cli ls opi-spdk-server:50051 opi_api.storage.v1.FrontendNvmeService -l
filename: frontend_nvme_pcie.proto
package: opi_api.storage.v1;
service FrontendNvmeService {
  rpc CreateNvmeSubsystem(opi_api.storage.v1.CreateNvmeSubsystemRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeSubsystem) {}
  rpc DeleteNvmeSubsystem(opi_api.storage.v1.DeleteNvmeSubsystemRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
  rpc UpdateNvmeSubsystem(opi_api.storage.v1.UpdateNvmeSubsystemRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeSubsystem) {}
  rpc ListNvmeSubsystem(opi_api.storage.v1.ListNvmeSubsystemRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.ListNvmeSubsystemResponse) {}
  rpc GetNvmeSubsystem(opi_api.storage.v1.GetNvmeSubsystemRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeSubsystem) {}
  rpc StatsNvmeSubsystem(opi_api.storage.v1.StatsNvmeSubsystemRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.StatsNvmeSubsystemResponse) {}
  rpc CreateNvmeController(opi_api.storage.v1.CreateNvmeControllerRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeController) {}
  rpc DeleteNvmeController(opi_api.storage.v1.DeleteNvmeControllerRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
  rpc UpdateNvmeController(opi_api.storage.v1.UpdateNvmeControllerRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeController) {}
  rpc ListNvmeController(opi_api.storage.v1.ListNvmeControllerRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.ListNvmeControllerResponse) {}
  rpc GetNvmeController(opi_api.storage.v1.GetNvmeControllerRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeController) {}
  rpc StatsNvmeController(opi_api.storage.v1.StatsNvmeControllerRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.StatsNvmeControllerResponse) {}
  rpc CreateNvmeNamespace(opi_api.storage.v1.CreateNvmeNamespaceRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeNamespace) {}
  rpc DeleteNvmeNamespace(opi_api.storage.v1.DeleteNvmeNamespaceRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
  rpc UpdateNvmeNamespace(opi_api.storage.v1.UpdateNvmeNamespaceRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeNamespace) {}
  rpc ListNvmeNamespace(opi_api.storage.v1.ListNvmeNamespaceRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.ListNvmeNamespaceResponse) {}
  rpc GetNvmeNamespace(opi_api.storage.v1.GetNvmeNamespaceRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeNamespace) {}
  rpc StatsNvmeNamespace(opi_api.storage.v1.StatsNvmeNamespaceRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.StatsNvmeNamespaceResponse) {}

See methods

$ grpc_cli ls opi-spdk-server:50051 opi_api.storage.v1.FrontendNvmeService.CreateNvmeController -l
  rpc CreateNvmeController(opi_api.storage.v1.CreateNvmeControllerRequest) returns (opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeController) {}

See messages

$ grpc_cli type opi-spdk-server:50051 opi_api.storage.v1.NvmeControllerSpec
message NvmeControllerSpec {
  .opi_api.common.v1.ObjectKey id = 1 [json_name = "id"];
  int32 nvme_controller_id = 2 [json_name = "nvmeControllerId"];
  .opi_api.common.v1.ObjectKey subsystem_id = 3 [json_name = "subsystemId"];
  .opi_api.storage.v1.PciEndpoint pcie_id = 4 [json_name = "pcieId"];
  int32 max_nsq = 5 [json_name = "maxNsq"];
  int32 max_ncq = 6 [json_name = "maxNcq"];
  int32 sqes = 7 [json_name = "sqes"];
  int32 cqes = 8 [json_name = "cqes"];
  int32 max_namespaces = 9 [json_name = "maxNamespaces"];

$ grpc_cli type opi-spdk-server:50051 opi_api.storage.v1.PciEndpoint
message PciEndpoint {
  int32 port_id = 1 [json_name = "portId"];
  int32 physical_function = 2 [json_name = "physicalFunction"];
  int32 virtual_function = 3 [json_name = "virtualFunction"];

Call remote method

$ grpc_cli call --json_input --json_output opi-spdk-server:50051 DeleteNvmeController "{subsystem_id: 8}"
connecting to opi-spdk-server:50051
Rpc succeeded with OK status

Server log

opi-spdk-server_1  | 2022/08/05 14:31:14 server listening at [::]:50051
opi-spdk-server_1  | 2022/08/05 14:39:40 DeleteNvmeSubsystem: Received from client: id:8
opi-spdk-server_1  | 2022/08/05 14:39:40 Sending to SPDK: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"bdev_malloc_delete","params":{"name":"OpiMalloc8"}}
opi-spdk-server_1  | 2022/08/05 14:39:40 Received from SPDK: {1 {-19 No such device} 0xc000029f4e}
opi-spdk-server_1  | 2022/08/05 14:39:40 error: bdev_malloc_delete: json response error: No such device
opi-spdk-server_1  | 2022/08/05 14:39:40 Received from SPDK: false
opi-spdk-server_1  | 2022/08/05 14:39:40 Could not delete: id:8

Another remote call example

$ grpc_cli call --json_input --json_output opi-spdk-server:50051 ListNvmeSubsystem {}
connecting to opi-spdk-server:50051
 "subsystem": [
   "nqn": "nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress.discovery"
   "nqn": "nqn.2016-06.io.spdk:cnode1"
Rpc succeeded with OK status

Another Server log

2022/09/21 19:38:26 ListNvmeSubsystem: Received from client:
2022/09/21 19:38:26 Sending to SPDK: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"bdev_get_bdevs"}
2022/09/21 19:38:26 Received from SPDK: {1 {0 } 0x40003de660}
2022/09/21 19:38:26 Received from SPDK: [{Malloc0 512 131072 08cd0d67-eb57-41c2-957b-585faed7d81a} {Malloc1 512 131072 78c4b40f-dd16-42c1-b057-f95c11db7aaf}]