chukae's Following
- abhashpanwarJodhpur,Rajasthan,India
- AllenDowneyPyMC Labs
- anthonywritescode
- antirezRedis Labs
- ArjanCodesNetherlands
- ashleynguciKPMG Oy Ab
- benjojoLondon
- commaaiSan Diego
- davidpallmannAmazon Web Services
- dunamu-stock
- ebidelYahoo
- eugenpBaeldung
- frm-garpIsrael Association of Valuators and Financial Actuaries (IAVFA)
- hayatoghJapan
- ianandVP Product
- IHorvalds
- jakevdpGoogle
- jlord@github
- jreback
- krisajenkinsLondon
- lspil
- marcel-dempers
- martindurantAnaconda, inc.
- mluukkaiUniversity of Helsinki
- niels9001@Microsoft
- open-riskOpen Risk
- OpenROV
- particle1331Quezon City, Philippines
- pjfanningKilkenny, Ireland
- posquit0Somewhere
- prophenPopSchools
- Roznoshchik@coursemojo
- theOpetunde2PwC
- tiangoloBerlin, Germany
- tsoding
- visengerBerlin, Germany