
This Javascript App is used to teach Javascript concepts for Web233. Students begin working

Assignment Examples Week 1: http://plnkr.co/yEUWlcFn0kp6vG0zacNJ (Links to an external site.)

Intro to JavaScript! HelloWorld Stuff! Week 2: http://plnkr.co/znj4U3qsSx3mqAaX03KS (Links to an external site.)

Values, Types,Operators Week 3: http://plnkr.co/oQRTulPJpJBoIa4U3hXR (Links to an external site.)

Functions Week 4: http://plnkr.co/BDCcqLRVUTK5BQAKhjLb (Links to an external site.)

Objects and Arrays Week 5: http://plnkr.co/uur3wfZV4erKFbltoXS4 (Links to an external site.)

Shopping List Version 1

It should have a place to store SHOPPINGLISTS It should have a way to display SHOPPINGLISTS It should have a way to add new SHOPPINGLISTS Week 7: http://plnkr.co/Mw35NTujYHOkS4SqyHpE (Links to an external site.)

Shopping List Version 1.2

It should have a way to add new SHOPPINGLISTS It should have a way to change a SHOPPINGLISTS It should have a way to delete a SHOPPINGLISTS Week 8: https://plnkr.co/Es4acWb3NnuEhjzHpiLL (Links to an external site.)

Shopping List Version 2.1

Slides: http://bit.ly/2pPXfT9 (Links to an external site.)

It should have a InputBox and Button to collect new SHOPPINGLISTS It should have a FUNCTION to add to SHOPPINGLISTS Using DOM It should have a FUNCTION to display a SHOPPINGLISTS to Web Page Using DOM It should clear inputbox It should focus on inputbox after text is cleared Week 9: https://plnkr.co/jF0SybuUwhdCE3J9gIkM (Links to an external site.)

Shopping List Version 3.0

Slides:http://bit.ly/2peLsBM (Links to an external site.)

It should have input fields for name & costs It should have an object properties for MyList for name and cost It should add to Function SHOPPINGLISTS using object properties to Web Page Using DOM It should display remove button with logic to remove item It should clear inputbox for Name and Cost It should focus on inputbox on Name after text is cleared Week 10: https://plnkr.co/F6pJ4hL0ibQ5S5p9GXrP (Links to an external site.)

Shopping List Version 3.1

Slides: http://bit.ly/2pPY3Ye (Links to an external site.)

It should add new placeholder for shopping cart It should have ability to UPDATE ITEMS from shopping list It should have ability to UPDATE ITEMS from shopping cart It should have ability to move items from shopping list to shopping cart It should have ability to move items from shopping cart to shopping list It should have ability to display shopping list It should have ability to display shopping cart It should have ability to delete shopping list It should have ability to delete shopping cart Week 11: https://plnkr.co/BR6ghXqn9WuFUM6mL2w5 (Links to an external site.)

Shopping List Version 3.2

Slides: NONE

Fork Plunkr version 3.1 and make version 3.2 Remove EDIT link from App Change Add button to Checkbox Have Checkbox stay checked when in "Shopping Cart" and unchecked in "Shopping List" Challenge:

Look at final example to begin creating a .CSS file. I just expect at least one tag used by a .CSS file FINAL: http://plnkr.co/jdeGtHeulu1LyVxtttC7 (Links to an external site.) http://www.maketemplate.com/csstemplate/ (Links to an external site.) Hide Shopping List and Shopping Cart when no items are displaying add photo (use http://pasteboard.co/ (Links to an external site.)) update labels and alignment personalize web page Week 12: https://plnkr.co/uXmDaenQrZwdajh7pWdt (Links to an external site.)

Shopping List Version 3.1

Slides: http://bit.ly/2oliTOZ (Links to an external site.)

It should have ability to create new cookie file from shoppinglist array It should have ability to read cookie file and update shoppinglist array It should have ability to delete cookie file It should have ability to save new cookie file after displayshoppinglist function It should have ability to load & read cookie file function on Windows load It should have ability to populate shoppinglist array from cookie file Week 13: https://rvclist.github.io/ (Links to an external site.) source code: rvclist.github.io-master-v4.zipPreview the documentView in a new window

From this point we will work on your app inside of GitHub. Use my GitHub repo to help with below updates. See https://github.com/rvclist/rvclist.github.io (Links to an external site.)

Remove Cost Field Remove "Add" text next to checkbox Remove Version ?? from home page. Add ability to submit new item when [enter] key pressed Add popup describing app when visitors load webpage the first time Week 14: https://rvclist.github.io/index.html?list=eggs,milk,bread (Links to an external site.) source: https://github.com/rvclist/rvclist.github.io (Links to an external site.)

Add function to share shoppinglist array via URL pass by values Add Share Button to share list Work on CSS Work on webpage content (photos, descriptions, title tag, etc.) Week 15: http://bit.ly/2pzC9Jx (Links to an external site.)

Add ability to convert shared URL to a bitly link Work on CSS Work on webpage content (photos, descriptions, title tag, etc.)

FINAL: http://bit.ly/2pzqOcx (Links to an external site.)