This project is a React application built using TypeScript and SCSS. It includes a login page, dashboard, users page, and user detail page.
The project includes a filter user function and filter user form which helps to filter users in the table. The users component hooks fetches users from the API and then sends them to the local storage. The users in the local storage are then retrieved and dispatched through the Redux store to update the entire app state.
To log in, you need to provide a correct email address and a password that is at least 8 characters long.
The header folder includes everything about the heading, such as the header component and any necessary SCSS files.
The hooks folder includes a user component hooks that fetches users from the API and sends them to the local storage.
The user details folder includes all the components that have to do with the user details page.
The user overview page includes all the components that have to do with the users' details on the dashboard, such as active users, blacklisted users, and so on.
Clone this repository Run yarn add to install all the necessary dependencies Run yarn start to start the development server
Please feel free to contribute to this project by submitting a pull request.