To create a open source tool to track and manage an organizations' snail mail.
To ensure commit messages are consistent and easily understandable, please read and follow the below style guide.
Link to Udacity Git Commit Style Guide
- feat: a new feature
- fix: a bug fix
- docs: changes to documentation
- style: formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change
- refractor: refractor production code
- test: adding tests, refractoring test; no production code change
- chore: updating build tasks, package manager configs; etc; no production code change
- Front end JavaScript Framework - currently AngularJS (to be changed to React)
- Front End CSS Framework - Bulma
- Back end Framework - NodeJS, ExpressJS
- Database - MYSQL
- Object Relational Mapper - KnexJS
- In Memory Data Store - Redis
- Testing Frameworks - Mocha and Chai
To ensure the codebase conforms to a standard, the following JavaScript Style Guide will be adopted: