
Prerequisites: Python 3

Script will help you to evenly dispatch tasks between a group of employees.

How to use:

Fast run

Run script in terminal to see how it handle a randomly generated workgroup and task list. By default our group consists of three employees and a 10 tasks list.

  • Task: name(task point)(task status) Note! Task status can be: 0 = available, 1 = assigned, 2 = solved
  • Employee: nickname (task point)(total amount of assigned task points): [assigned tasks]
Task list: [task_1(19)(1), task_2(9)(1), task_3(18)(1), task_4(7)(1), task_5(7)(1),
task_6(12)(1), task_7(13)(1), task_8(14)(1), task_9(14)(1), task_10(6)(1)]

Emp_0 (39)(29): [task_10(6)(1), task_2(9)(1), task_8(14)(1)]
Emp_1 (83)(70): [task_4(7)(1), task_6(12)(1), task_9(14)(1), task_3(18)(1), task_1(19)(1)]
Emp_2 (28)(20): [task_5(7)(1), task_7(13)(1)]

Remained tasks: []

Using as imported module

Instantiate these classes:

  • Task(name, task_point)
  • Employee(nickname, task_point)
>>>Imp_1 = Employee('Jiws', 50)
>>>Imp_2 = Employee('Dobby', 80)

>>>take_bag = Task('Take bag', 5)
>>>wear_socks = Task('Wear socks', 5)

Wrap your instances into appropriate lists (for example in lazy_workers and easy_tasks):

>>>lazy_workers = [Imp_1, Imp_2]
>>>easy_tasks = [take_bag, wear_socks]

Create task dispatcher:

  • Spreader(workgroup, task_list)
>>>spreader = Spreader(lazy_workers, easy_tasks)

Spread task between employees:


View result:


Task list: [Take bag(5)(1), Wear socks(5)(1)]
Jiws (50)(5): [Take bag(5)(1)]
Dobby (80)(5): [Wear socks(5)(1)]
Remained tasks: []

Also you can use help functions such as generate_group(workers_num) and generate_tasks(tasks_num) to check different cases.