
Bash script to add tags to markdown files, useful for Obsidian folder-scope files tagging.

Primary LanguageShell



A bash script to add tags to markdown files, useful for Obsidian folder-scope files tagging.

This bash script adds tags to all markdown files in a folder. The tags are in the form of #[TAGNAME] and are added in the same line under the title header of each markdown file. An indicator tags: is placed in front of the series of tags.


  • bash shell
  • sed (Stream Editor)


  • Open your terminal or command prompt
  • Change the working directory to where the bash script is located by using the cd command
  • Run the bash script by typing ./[script_name].sh and press enter
  • When prompted, enter the path of the folder containing markdown files
  • When prompted, enter the path of the text file containing the tags
  • Wait for the script to finish processing and adding the tags to all markdown files in the folder
  • Check the files in the folder to see if the tags have been added

Note: If there are any error messages during the execution of the script, please double check if the folder directory and input file paths are correct.