Member system of the website which user can browse products.
$ git clone
- Ruby version: 2.4.4
- Rails version: 5.2.2
- database.yml
cp ~/member_system/config/database.example.yml ~/member_system/config/database.yml
- Setup
to yourdatabase.yml
- Gem install
$ bundle install
- Migration
$ rails db:migrate
- Create fake data (not necessary)
rails db:seed:fake_data
- Run Rspec for testing
$ rspec
- Run Server at local
$ rails s
- Admin ACCOUNT: ; PASSWORD: 123456
- Premium ACCOUNT: ; PASSWORD: 123456
- Normal ACCOUNT: ; PASSWORD: 123456
- A user can register as a normal user
- A user can browse products on this website
- A user can choose to purchase premium membership(can skip payment)
- A premium member can see products with discount prices
- A user can be set as admin
- An admin can create/edit products on this website
- A product would have product price/name/image