tags: GCP

Core Infrastructure Overview

Resource and Access

Resource Hierarchy

  • 主要可將所有資源分成Organization, Folder, Project, Resources (4 層)
  • Add policy於Folder,則下面所有資源都須符合該policy,因此要注意對於policy的訂定關係 (Policy are inherited downward)

![](https://i.imgur.com/3CUKGDe.png =350x)

Resourse (Lv1)

  • VM, cloud storage bucket, data sheet, bigquery, etc

Project (Lv2)

  • Managing API, Enabling billing, adding/removing collaborators, other google services.
  • Project 由Project ID, Project name, Porject number 三者來定義
  • Resource Manager Tool: 一個API可以幫助管理Project。

![](https://i.imgur.com/874eaF6.png =250x)

Folder (Lv3)

  • Folder底下可以有Project也可以有其他Folder
  • 可以將不同部門視作一個Folder來去進行管理 e.g. Dep1, Dep2。在該Folder下,不同Project服從相同Policy,在進行Project新增及複製時不需要再去進行Policy設定

Organization (Lv4)

  • 可以設置Organization policy administrator & Project creator讓相關人員進行管理。
  • 若在自己帳號的workspace中,Project會直接屬於你自己的Organization。若不是自己的workspace,則需要利用IAM去產生相對應身分


  • 由左到右,越多限制。 ![](https://i.imgur.com/WbPE6hV.png =500x)
  • Basic role
    • Owner
    • Editor
    • Viewer
    • Billing Admin
  • Predefined role (When several people work together with sensitive data) (provide specific service in a project)
  • Custom role
    • need to manage the permissions for the custom role
    • Custom roles can only be applied to either Project level or Organization level

Interact with Google Cloud 可以使用哪些媒介使用GCP

  1. Google Console
  2. Cloud SDK & Cloud Shell
    • gcloud: provide the main command line interface
    • gsutil: provide access to Cloud Storage from the command line
    • bq: BigQuery command line
    • Cloud Shell: a Debian-based virtual machine with a persistent 5GB home directory
  3. API
    • use Google APIs Explorer to search
    • control your code version/ service
  4. Cloud Console Mobile App
    • Start, stop, and use SSH to connect into Compute engine, see logs
    • Start stop Cloud SQL isntances
    • Demploy on App Engine
    • billing information
    • view error, alert
    • download cloud.google.com/console-app

Check 這題答案

VM and Networks

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

由Public Cloud host但東西皆為private,表示可以用Cloud resource,但仍保有其隱密性

![](https://i.imgur.com/oEMn2x6.png =500x)

  • using firewall rules to restrict access to instances
    • no router provisioning or managing
    • restrict access to instance
    • rules can be defined through metadata tags
  • segmenting networks
  • global that can have subnets in any Cloud region (can be used to build solutions that are resilient to disruptions) (networks are global, but subnets are regional)
  • no external IP address required

![](https://i.imgur.com/fRoTOXj.png =450x)

當同一個region裡面有兩個compute engine其中一個出問題,另一個還能繼續正常運做

VPC peering & Shared VPC

  • VPC 實際上還是屬於Google Cloud Projects,若組織內有多個Google Cloud Projects及VPCs可以透過VPC peeringShared VPC的方式進行溝通

Cloud Load Balancing

  • fully-distributed managed service
  • put in front of all your traffic: HTTPs, TCP traffic, SSL traffic, UDP traffic

Cloud DNS & Cloud CDN

The way to connect Google VPC

  • IPsec VPN to create a tunnel connection through internet
    • cloud router to make the connectoin dynamic
    • Let other networks and Google VPC exchange route information over the VPN using Border Gateway Protocol
    • Security issue, and bandwidth reliability because of internet
  • Direct Peering
    • When concerning about security issue or bandwidth reliability
    • put a router in the same public datacenter as a Google point of presense (PoP)
    • use a router to exchange traffic between networks
  • Carrier Peering
    • When customers that are not ready to the PoP
    • Work with a partner by giving direct access from an on-premises network through a service provider's network
  • Dedicated Inerconnect
    • When need higher uptime connection
    • Allow for one or more direct, private connections to Google
    • Can be covered by up to a 99.99% SLA
    • Connection can be backed up by a VPN
  • Partner Interconnect
    • Provide connectivity between an on-premises network
  1. Netork Uptime: the time when a network is up and running
  2. Downtime: the time when a network is unavailable
  3. Service level agreements (SLAs): promise a set of performance standards between a service provider and their client
  4. On-premise 公司內部環境運行的軟體 (A company hosts everything in-house in an on-premise environment, while in a cloud environment, a third-party provider hosts all that for you. )

DNS (domain name system): web protocal CDN: related to edge computing 減少latency加速local spped (also save money) DNS+CDN connect to web servers running HTTP web service (compute engine)

Question: An application running in a Compute Engine virtual machine needs high-performance scratch space. Which type of storage meets this need? Ans: Local SSD

Compute Engine


Cloud Storage Cloud Bigtable Cloud SQL Cloud Spanner Filestore

Four Cloud Storage Classes

  • Standard
  • Nearline
  • Coldline
  • Archive


Kubernetes (link)

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

gcloud command or google cloud console

  • Deploy and manage applications
  • Perform administration tasks
  • Set policy
  • Monitor workload health
  • Automatic scaling of your cluster's node instance count...
$ gcloud container clusters create <name>

Hybrid and multi-cloud

  • Spread the computing workload over two or more networked servers
  • Containers break these workloads down into microservices


  • a hybrid and multi-cloud solution
  • fraemwork rests on K8S and GKE On-premise
  • provide a set of tools for monitoring and maintenance

Applications in the Cloud

App Engine

![](https://i.imgur.com/Qaf0m9V.png =600x) Coding options: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Marven, Git, Jenkins, PyCharm

  • No servers to provision or maintain
  • Provides built-in services & APIs: NoSQL datastores, Memcache, Load balancing, Health checks, Application logging, user authentication API
  • Also provide SDK to help develop, deploy, and manage your apps
  • manage the hardware and networking infrastructure required to run your code
  • suitable for developing and hosting a web application

Standard environment vs. flexible environment

Standard environment

  • use Containers (specified version)
  • Run in a secure sandbox environment
    • can distribute request across multiple servers and scale servers to meet traffic demand
    • 等同獨立於hardware, OS, physical location的安全性
  1. Persistent storage with queries, sorting, and transactions
  2. Automatic scaling & load balancing
  3. Scheduled tasks for triggering events at specified times or regular intervals
  4. Integration with other Google Cloud services and API
  • Three steps for standard environment
    1. Develop web app and test locally
    2. Deploy to App Engine with SDK
    3. App Engine scales and services the app Flexible environment

Standard environment K8S Flexible environment

Cloud Endpoints

  • Distributed API management system
  • maintain API with low latency and high performance
  • provide an API console, hosting, logging, monitoring
  • support running in App Engine, GKE, Compute Engine

Apigee Edge

  • specific focus on business problem, like rate limiting, quotas, and analytics
  • Backend services for Apigee Edge don't need to be in Google Cloud

Cloud Run: 拿來部署程式套件到雲端,不需要處理infrastruture, maintain, security等等狀況。只需要focus在開發,用Container方式部署

  • a managed compute platform that can run stateless containers
  • Serverless, removing the need for infrastructure management
  • built an Knative, open API, environment built on K8S
  • can only pull images from Artifact registry

Artifact registry: A single place for your organization to manage container images and language packages

![](https://i.imgur.com/2FLjkY7.png =600x) ![](https://i.imgur.com/014uT2R.png =600x) 啟用Compute Engine後就會一直收費,上述Container除了在啟動、結束、Handle request時會進行收費。可以減少大量減少idle時間的花費。

Develop and deploy in the cloud


  1. Cloud Source Repositories
  2. Cloud Function
  3. Terraform

Question: 通常開發使用Git repository,那有沒有辦法使用Google Cloud服務,但仍保持開發程式的隱私性? Ans: 使用Cloud Source Repositories,透過IAM permission的設定即可達到且需要自己去maintain Git instance

With Cloud source repositories, we can have any number of private git repositories. 可以將Github或BitBucket內的repository migrate到Cloud Source Repository,使用Debugger & Error Reporting等服務在不影響程式運行的情況下,trace所有在production上的錯誤。

Cloud Functions

  • Lightweight, event-based, asynchronous compute solution
  • allows you to create small, single-purpose functions that respond to cloud events without the need to manage a server
    • 應用: 影像資料處理,resize, augmentation等等需要Compute resource介入並將transform後的資料轉換成需要的file
  • only billed to the nearest 100 milliseconds and only while your code is running


  • 用來設計Template,當需要常常部署類似的環境時,要一一設定會非常耗時。因此,可以透過Terraform來設計Template加速部署
  • 可以根據Template更新相關設定或加入新的需求
  • Create a template file using HashiCorp Configuration Langauge (HCL) that describes what the compoentns of the environment should look like
  • use the template to determine the actions needed to create the environment your template describes
  • use Terraform to update the environment to match the change
  • store and version control Terraform template in Cloud Source Repositories
  • Can be used as an infrastructure management system for Google Cloud resources

Logging and Monitoring

  • Monitoring $\to$ Logging $\to$ Error reporting $\to$ Debugging
  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE): Collecting, processing, aggrgating and displaying real-time quantitative data about a system
  • Monitoring: 顯示最緊急需要處理的error, Helps improve an application experience
  • SRE 主要focus在與Product最相關的問題監控 ![](https://i.imgur.com/MJVuHUi.png =600x)
  • Testing: preferably automated testing in a refined CICD release pipeline
  • Continual improvement $\to$ DashBoard $\to$ Automated alerts $\to$ Monitoring tools (提供最重要的問題資訊)

System Performance & Reliability

  • Latency
  • Traffic: 衡量有多少request會進到系統內,同時可以做為Capacity Planning
  • Saturation: 負載量佔比(了解哪些資源最缺乏)
  • Errors


  • Service level indicator (SLIs)
    • Carefully selected monitoring metrics that measure one aspect of a service's reliability
    • metrics: (Number of good events) / (Count of all valid events)
  • Service level Objective (SLOs)
    • combine a SLI with a target reliability (通常可靠度會趨近於100% e.g. 99.99%)
    • 通常需要滿足SMART原則 (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
  • Service level Agreement (SLA) 對使用者系統使用上的承諾
    • Commitments made to your customers that your systems and applications will have only a certain amount of downtime

![](https://i.imgur.com/mzp9Wl8.png =400x)

Monitoring $\to$ Logging $\to$ Error reporting $\to$ Debugging Use Google Integrated observability tools

Monitoring Tools (Cloud Monitoring)

DevOps Teams first would like to monitor the systems

  • BigQuery
    • how many queries in flight, how many data bytes scanned to the bills, data slots usage pattern
  • Cloud run
    • Running containeriezed application to know cpu and memory utilization
  • Custom Application
    • also can use open source opentelemetry to create their own metrics
  • Compute Engine
  • e.g. monitor cassandra, nginx, Apache Web Server, etc.

Logging Tools (Cloud Logging)

  • Define metrics based on your logs
  • Log analysis, Log explorer
  • Can be exported as files to Cloud Storage, as messages through Pub/ Sub, into BigQuery Tables (可儲存備份)
  • Log retention
    • Retained by default for 30 days and up to a maximum 3650 days
    • Admin logs are stored by defualt for 400 days

Error reporting and debugging tools (Error Reporting & Debugger)

Error Reporting

  • Count, analyze, and aggregates the crashes in your running cloud service
  • Error details: time chart, occurrences, affected user count, first- and last- seen dates
  • Create alerts to receive notificatoins on new errors Debugger
  • while running in production, examine code's function and performance under actual production conditions
  • Easy collaboration with other team by sharing debug sessions with a Console URL
  • Can integrate with version control system, e.g. Cloud Source Repo, GitHub Cloud Trace
  • Collect latency data from distribute application and display in the Google Cloud Console
  • Trace from applications deployed on App Engine, Compute Engine, K8S Cloud Profiler
  • Use statistical techniques and extremely low-impact instrumentation running across all production application instances
  • analyze application running anywhere, even other cloud platforms