
Source code for the tutorials and demonstrations in my website http://www.magicandlove.com

Primary LanguageProcessing


Source code for the tutorials and demonstrations in my website http://www.magicandlove.com. Most of the examples will need the Java binding of OpenCV, packaged as the CVImage library for Processing. The latest one 3.4.2 is available in this post of my website.

ml20180227a - Charts in Processing

ml20180409a - Saving video from Processing with the jCodec2.3

ml20180615a - Tensorflow in Processing with the LabelImage example

ml20180806a - OpenCV Deep Neural Network module with Processing

ml20180806b - OpenPose in Processing with the OpenCV DNN module

ml20180808a - Darknet YOLO v3 testing in Processing with the OpenCV DNN module

ml20180818a - Face detection with the OpenCV Face module in Processing

ml20180818b - Face landmark detection in OpenCV Face module with Processing

ml20180819a - Face landmark convex hull detection in OpenCV with Processing

ml20180819b - Delaunay triangulation of the face contour in OpenCV with Processing

ml20180820a - Face swap example in OpenCV with Processing (v.1)

ml20180820b - Face swap example in OpenCV with Processing (v.2)

ml20180827a - Neural network style transfer in OpenCV with Processing

ml20181024a - Intel Realsense in Processing (Windows) - Colour image

ml20181024b - Intel Realsense in Processing (Windows) - Depth image

ml20181026a - First try of P5 and OpenCV JS in Electron

ml20190419a - Using midi in Processing for playback a midi file

ml20190419b - Capture midi messages in Processing during playback