JPrologMin is a implementation(interpreter) of the Prolog language on the Java platform.
As a JVM based implementation, JPrologMin enables Prolog programs to use the full power of Java's API. JPrologMin also enables Java programs to evaluate Prolog's code.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Supported directives:
- discontiguous/1
- initialization/1
- ensure_loaded/1
- char_conversion/1
- include/1
- dynamic/1
- op/3
- multifile/1
Supported control constructs:
- ,/2
- ->/2
- throw/1
- true/0
- !/0
- fail/0
- catch/3
- call/1
- ;/2
Supported buildin predicates:
- @>/2
- current_prolog_flag/2
- retract/1
- fail_if/1
- real/1
- unify_with_occurs_check/2
- atom/1
- halt/1
- halt/0
- assertz/1
- number_chars/2
- ==/2
- compound/1
- var/1
- is/2
- bagof/3
- copy_term/2
- atomic/1
- abolish/1
- atom_concat/3
- repeat/0
- >/2
- findall/3
- atom_length/2
- char_code/2
- set_prolog_flag/2
- setof/3
- arg/3
- once/1
- =../2
- atom_codes/2
- atom_chars/2
- clause/2
- sub_atom/4
- functor/3
- =:=/2
- asserta/1
- current_predicate/1
- integer/1
- number_codes/2
- @</2
- </2
Supported operator:
- atan/1
- '**'/2
- abs/1
- -/2
- +/2
- truncate/1
- '/\'/2
- '\/'/2
- '\'/1
- '/'/2
- float/1
- sqrt/1
- round/1
- '//'/2
- '*'/2
- mod/2
- sign/1
- float_round/2
- >>/2
- float_integer_part/1
- float_fractional_part/1
- sin/1
- -/1
- <</2
- exp/1
- float_truncate/2
- floor/1
- log/1
- ceiling/1
- rem/2
- cos/1
You can surely clone this repository and build it using ant:
If you are using Maven, you can add the following into your pom.xml
If you are using something like ivy or gradle, you can also try the central repository.
See ,although that may not be up-to-date.
You can start the graphical interpreter by running the JAR
- Usually, just double click the icon of the JAR file will do
- If not, try something like
java -jar JPrologMin.jar
- If that is not working still, ensure that you have JRE 8.0 or above installed
You can start the command line interpreter by something like
java -jar JPrologMin.jar --cli
Once you have started the interpreter, you can enter prolog text into it. If you want to make query, prepend '?-' before the query.
The API of JPrologMin is contained in the package com.github.chungkwong.jprologmin
Since JPrologMin have implemented the javax.script API of the Java platform, you should be familar to the usage. For example, a naive Prolog interpreter may look like:
public static void main(String[] args) throws ScriptException{
Scanner in=new Scanner(;
PrologEngine processor=(PrologEngine)PrologEngineFactory.INSTANCE.getScriptEngine();
Iterator<Substitution> iterator=(Iterator<Substitution>)processor.eval(in.nextLine());
Note that eval
return null if the script ends with a query that failed
or the script do not ends with a query, otherwise it will return a Iterator
and you can access the substitutions made each time the query being reexecuted.
If you want to use Prolog on computer-generated data, you can bypass the step parse by providing internal representation of the data.