
A C++ variant of ChirpStack Simulator

Primary LanguageC++

ChirpStack Simulator

ChirpStack Simulator is a C++ variant of the open-source simulator ChirpStack Simulator developed by brocaar and co. for the ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network-Server stack. By simulating real LoRa gateways and LoRa devices, ChirpStack Simulator allows ChirpStack users to check their setups, to debug failures and to have a thorough understanding of how ChirpStack really works in action.


How to build

As for many C++ projects, ChirpStack Simulator can be built using the CMake build system. The minimum required version of CMake is 3.15. To build ChirpStack Simulator, use the following commands:

$ bash scripts/pre-build.sh
$ bash scripts/build.sh

The binary file will be located at bin/chirpstack_simulator.


  • About cryptopp: Running the bash script scripts/pre-build.sh before building is required because cryptopp is not fully supporting CMake as of now.
  • About gRPC: Installing and configuring gRPC can be fairly complicated. See also: grpc-cpp, chirpstack-client.


How to generate a new configuration file

Having a valid TOML configuration file is mandatory to run ChirpStack Simulator. This configuration file could be generated using the --generate-config-file command-line option:

./bin/chirpstack_simulator --generate-config-file [OUTPUT_FILE]

where OUTPUT_FILE is the path to the output file.

For example: ./bin/chirpstack_simulator --generate-config-file ./bin/chirpstack_simulator.toml

How to configure

Name Type Meaning Requirements
general.log_level int Log level (trace = 6, debug = 5, info = 4, warn = 3, error = 2, critical = 1, off = 0). >= 0, <= 6
server.network_server string ChirpStack Gateway Bridge's UDP listener. host:port
server.application_server string ChirpStack Application Server's external API server. host:port
simulator.jwt_token string The JWT token to connect to the ChirpStack Application Server API. Not empty
simulator.service_profile_id string The service-profile created for simulating purpose. Not empty
simulator.duration int The time running the simulation (s). > 0
simulator.activation_time int The time taken to activate the devices (s). > 0, < simulator.duration
simulator.device.count int Number of devices. > 0, <= 1000
simulator.device.uplink_interval int The time between two consecutive uplink transmissions (s). > 0, < simulator.duration
simulator.device.f_port int FPort. > 0
simulator.device.payload string Uplink payload. Not empty
simulator.device.frequency int Frequency (Hz). > 0
simulator.device.bandwidth int Bandwidth (Hz). > 0
simulator.device.spreading_factor int Spreading-factor. > 0
simulator.gateway.min_count int Minimum number of receiving gateways. > 0
simulator.gateway.max_count int Maximum number of receiving gateways. >= simulator.gateway.min_count
simulator.client.enable_downlink_test bool Enable simulating downlink tranmissions. NONE
simulator.client.downlink_interval int The time between two consecutive downlink tranmissions (s). > 0, < simulator.duration
simulator.client.payload string Downlink payload. Not empty


log_level = 4

network_server = "localhost:1700"
application_server = "localhost:8080"

jwt_token = ""
service_profile_id = ""
duration = 60
activation_time = 5

count = 100
uplink_interval = 10
f_port = 10
payload = "uplink_packet_1234"
frequency = 868100000
bandwidth = 125
spreading_factor = 12

min_count = 3
max_count = 5

enable_downlink_test = false
downlink_interval = 15
payload = "downlink_packet_1234"


  • How to set JWT token: JWT token can be acquired in the Token field after creating a new API key using ChirpStack Application Server web-interface.
  • How to set service-profile ID: Service-profile ID can be acquired in the URL after creating a new service-profile using ChirpStack Application Server web-interface.


How to run

To start ChirpStack Simulator, use the following command:

./bin/chirpstack_simulator --config [CONFIG_FILE]

where CONFIG_FILE is the path to the configuration file.

For example: ./bin/chirpstack_simulator --config ./bin/chirpstack_simulator.toml

What happens during the simulation

After parsing and validating the configuration parameters, ChirpStack Simulator uses the configured simulator.jwt_token and simulator.service_profile_id to create gateways and devices. Then, the simulation starts.

The simulation will be gracefully stopped after a simulator.duration interval. During this interval, devices will periodically send uplink frames (and handle downlink frames, if any) to the configured server.network_server through the gateways assigned to them.

If downlink test is enabled, downlink frames will also be sent periodically to the configured server.application_server while waiting to stop.

How to stop

ChirpStack Simulator will be terminated by any of the following conditions:

  • After a simulator.duration interval.
  • When an exception is thrown.
  • When receiving a SIGINT signal.

When the simulation stops, the gateways and devices created earlier will be deleted.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.