
KIOTO 🎌 - experimental asynchronous runtime written in Rust for learning purpose

Primary LanguageRust


Experimental asynchronous runtime inspired by tokio-rs, built for learning purpose



In asynchronous runtime, the first citizen unit is so-called Task which can be a stackfule coroutine which contains the Future. A task is runnable when it can make progress, and is no longer runnable (or idle) when it is blocked on an external resource.

Tasks are independent in that any number of runnable tasks can execute concurrently.


Scheduler is responsible for scheduling the order of execution of each Task. The scheduler architecture consists a queue.

We are talking about the user-level scheduler instead of the OS kernel-level schedule. Reference: Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm

One queue, many processors

MPSC: Multiple producers, Single consumer. In this case, the producer will be the task sender in each processor and the consumer is the task receiver in the queue.

One single global queue is initialized in the main thread while each processor spawns its own thread to run the processor. Task are processed concurrently by each processor and push to the tail of the global queue.

  • Design is simple: The implementation is relatively simple. An off-the-shelf queue can be paired with the processor loop sketched above.
  • When tasks execute for a long period of time, queue contention is reduced. However, Rust's asynchronous tasks are expected to take very little time executing when popped from the run queue. In this scenario, the overhead from contending on the queue becomes significant.

Many processors, each with their own run queue

Use multiple single-threaded schedulers. Each processor gets its own run queue and tasks are pinned to a specific processor. This avoids the problem of synchronization entirely. As Rust's task model requires the ability to queue a task from any thread, there still needs to be a thread-safe way to inject tasks into the scheduler.

Unless the workload is entirely uniform, some processors will become idle while other processors are under load, resulting in resource underutilization.

Work stealing scheduler

The work-stealing scheduler builds upon the sharded scheduler model and addresses the underutilization problem. Each processor maintains its own run queue. Tasks that become runnable are pushed onto the current processor's run queue and processors drain their local run queue. However, when a processor becomes idle, it checks sibling processor run queues and attempts to steal from them. A processor will go to sleep only once it fails to find work from sibling run queues.

  • Work-stealing is the algorithm of choice for general purpose schedulers.


@ Handle

In computer programming, a handle is an abstract reference to a resource that is used when application software references blocks of memory or objects that are managed by another system like a database or an operating system. Example of common handles are: network socket, file descriptor, database connections, process identifiers (pIDs). We can call it is like a pointer to the entity.

@ JoinHandle

Returns on new thread spawned, JoinHandle::join blocks until the corresponding thread is done executing (task is finished ✅). It asks the OS to block the main thread (the one calling join()) until the joined thread is done, and collect its status.

Before calling join(), you only know that you have handed the thread to the OS. You don't know later in the code if it has already been started, is running, has finished, was killed by the OS, or has panic()'ed, etc.

@ Yield points

Injected to the program during task execution and checks if the task has been executing for long enough and yields back to the scheduler if so.

Unfortunately, Tokio is not able to use this technique as Rust's async generators do not provide any mechanism for executors (like Tokio) to inject such yield points.
