
This repository houses a modification to NASA worldwind with Virtual Reality capabilities.

Primary LanguageJava


This repository houses a modification to NASA worldwind with Virtual Reality capabilities.

Though the application is actually sort of usably cool as of 9-2-2013, though clearly still in development.

The easiest way to run the application is simply to grab WorldWindVR.zip, unzip, and run RunWorldWindVR.bat. It has been tested so far only on Windows, under both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Java (1.6 or higher).

If you wish to run from Eclipse, use the run/WorldWindVRTest.launch configuration.

Thanks are due to the following people:

  • 38leinaD for his JRift project as well as the original LWJGL shader (which we adapted for JOGL and without which we would have been hopelessly lost, as we had no prior 3D graphics experience)
  • The Minecrift guys (mabrowning et. al) for updating JRift to work with the latest Rift SDK
  • NASA and its WorldWind development team
  • Palmer and everyone at Oculus VR for this amazing device and toolkit

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot