Events and Activities Management App

By Sam Chung

To view the deployed website, visit


This is a simple MEAN app that allows you to manage events and activities for a fictional non-profit.

The client-facing part has two sections:

  1. An "Admin Portal" view that allows users to view, add and delete events and activities.
  2. A "Weekly Listings" view that only shows listings for the current week.


The app uses Angular as the presentation layer. The UI is quite bare as the focus for the app was more on the back-end features.


A Node/Express server serves the app and all required assets. For data storage, it connects to a mLab MongoDB database stored in the cloud. Internal API endpoints were defined and developed to allow data to be passed from the front and back-end.


The app was deployed via Heroku, using Heroku-cli. It is currently actively running at

Getting Started

To get started, first install dependencies using npm:

> npm install

Next, run the app:

> npm start