
Zit: the git-based single file content tracker (fork with Makefile and manpage) -- ABANDONED

Primary LanguageShell


Zit is a git-based single-file content tracker. It allows you to track individual files with a backing git store, providing an alternative to using RCS.


This fork is rather simple: it provides a Makefile and a manual page to make this software available in a more typical software manner. The original author of Zit declined to incorporate these changes on principle of keeping the upstream Zit repository fully functional as a repository for itself, as well.

This fork is now effectively abandoned. A new alternative, SRC, has emerged, providing a clean user interface while retaining RCS as a backend store. SRC provides a much more familiar interface to Subversion, Git, and Mercurial users, and the author of this fork considers it entirely superior to Zit. The author having been involved with SRC design since day one has a large part to do with this. :-)

Nonetheless, I will keep this fork available publicly on the off-chance that somebody finds use out of it.