
Kernel source of UC8540 & UC8580

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Moxa Kernel Repository Guidelines

Table Of Contents

  • Getting Started
  • How to update kernel
  • Products List
  • Appendix

Getting Started

Check out the kernel source:

If you want to build the latest ls1021a-linux-4.1 kernel source code. Please make sure you are at develop branch.

# git branch -a

If you want to build the specific version of ls1021a-linux-4.1 kernel source code. Please checkout the kernel source using tag.

To show all the tags.
# git tag
Checkout kernel source by using tag:
# git checkout <product>_V<version>

Steps to compile the kernel:

The detail model support list, default kernel configuration, dts file, its file and kernel type information can be found at "Product List" below.

1. Set default config.

# make <product>_defconfig


# make uc8540_defconfig
# make uc8580_defconfig

2. Compile kernel and create uImage file.

# make uImage -j[jobs]


# make uImage -j16

Our kernel source code will build dtb file automatically. If you want to re-build dtb file by your self.

# make <product dts name>.dtb


# make moxa-uc8580.dtb

4. make kernel modules:

# make modules

5. Strip and install kernel modules:



# make INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/tmp

How to update kernel

Steps to update kernel

1. Upload all your compiled results to the device

# scp -r <Username of device system>@<IP address of device>:<File path>

To upload kernel modules: Example:

# scp -r /tmp/lib/modules/4.1.0-ltsi/kernel/ moxa@
# scp /tmp/lib/modules/4.1.0-ltsi/modules.* moxa@

To upload uImage and dtb files:

# scp arch/arm/boot/uImage moxa@
# scp arch/arm/boot/moxa-uc8410a.dtb moxa@

2. Replace the kernel modules on the device with new files

Backup the original kernel modules and update kernel modules with new files


# mv /lib/modules/4.1.0-ltsi/ /lib/modules/4.1.0-ltsi_bak/
# mkdir -p /lib/modules/4.1.0-ltsi/
# cp -arf /tmp/kernel/ /lib/modules/4.1.0-ltsi/
# cp -arf /tmp/modules.* /lib/modules/4.1.0-ltsi/
# sync

3. Replace the kernel file on the device with new file

The kernel file is placed in operation system storage partition 1. The storage device name can be checked by lsblk command:


In this example, root is mounted at "/dev/mmcblk0p2", so the system storage device is "/dev/mmcblk0". Partition 1 is "/dev/mmcblk0p1".

To mount operation system storage partition 1


# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
# cd /mnt

Backup the original kernel file and update it with new file


# mv moxa-uc8410a.dtb moxa-uc8410a.dtb_bak
# mv uImage uImage_bak
# cp /tmp/moxa-uc8410a.dtb .
# cp /tmp/uImage .
# sync

3. Reboot the device

# reboot

Products List

Product kernel configuration:

There following are the list of product kernel configuration files. defconfig is placed in the arch/arm/configs folder, dts file is placed in arch/arm/boot/dts folder, its file is placed in its folder.

UC-8410a series
  • models: UC-8410a-LX
  • defconfig: uc8410a_defconfig
  • dts: moxa-uc8410a.dts
UC-8540 series
  • models: UC-8540-LX
  • defconfig: uc8540_defconfig
  • dts: moxa-uc8540.dts
UC-8580 series
  • models: UC-8580-LX
  • defconfig: uc8580_defconfig
  • dts: moxa-uc8580.dts


How to create a customized image?

To create a customized image, please refer to the following link and see "Steps to create a customized image" section. https://github.com/Moxa-Linux/resize-image

About the kernel version magic name

For standard Linux kernel source code, if the source is maintained in the git repository, the plus sign "+" will be automatically appended to the kerenl version magic.

Example: 4.1.0-ltsi+

If you switch the kernel source code to a tag or a source build that has never been maintained in git, the plus sign "+" will not be appended.

Example: 4.1.0-ltsi