
Seedstars PHP challenge

Primary LanguagePHP


Seedstars PHP challenge

PHP Engineer Challenge


The purpose of this challenge is to understand how you use PHP.

Console Script

Jenkins (http://jenkins-ci.org/) is a open source continuous integration server.

Create a script, in PHP, that uses Jenkins' API to get a list of jobs and their status from a given jenkins instance. The status for each job should be stored in an sqlite database along with the time for when it was checked.

Full App

Make an application which stores names and email addresses in a database (SQLite is fine).

a) Has welcome page in http://localhost/

  - this page has links to list and create functions

b) Lists all stored names / email address in http://localhost/list

c) Adds a name / email address to the database in http://localhost/add

  - should validate input and show errors

Since you’re doing an application in make sure the app does not have major security problems: CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection.

Make reasonable assumptions, state your assumptions, and proceed. Once you

have completed the challenge let us know and share your thoughts on the


Good luck!