

Primary LanguageC++

Taichi AOT Plugin for UE5

Requires Unreal Engine 5.0.3 or above

Supports Linux & Windows

SPH AOT Example

This is the ultimate example with AOT Plugin integrated, which demonstrates SPH AOT runs in an UE5 project.

C++ class Source/SPHExample/SPH_Particles_Box contains the major AOT implementation.

Taichi C-API were packaged into UE Plugin located at Plugins/AOTPlugin

SPH_AOT files were generated using:

commit: d1a4842 [misc] Remove usage of deprecated kwarg in rw_texture type annotation (#111)

C-API library was generated using:

commit: 2603e6695 [llvm] Unify the llvm context of host and device (#7249)

Steps to generate Taichi AOT Plugin from scratch

  1. Generate Taichi C-API library
  • Add target backends to your TAICHI_CMAKE_ARGS, -DTI_WITH_CUDA=ON -DTI_WITH_LLVM=ON suggested
  • Clone and compile Taichi following this guide: https://docs.taichi-lang.org/docs/dev_install

You'll find C-API library in: {TAICHI_REPO}/_skbuild/{OS_NAME}/cmake-install/c_api

  1. Update C-API library for UE project TaichiAOTPlugin
  • Replace C_API_LINUX or C_API_WINDOWS under TaichiAOTPlugin/Plugins/AOTPlugin/Source/AOTPlugin/Public/
  • Regenerate taichi_unreal.hpp if neccessary. (taichi_unreal.hpp is generated from taichi.hpp by replacing all function calls to C-API with a macro CALL_C_API_FUNC, which wraps the original direct function calls with dlopen & dlsym. TODO: Automatically generate taichi_unreal.hpp from taichi.hpp)
  1. Generate Taichi AOT Plugin
  • UE interface: Edit->Plugins->AOTPlugin->Package
  1. Import Plugin in your project
  • Take SPHExample project as an example, put the generated AOTPlugin under SPHExample/Plugins/
  1. Generate SPH AOT files