Tencent Cloud Cos Storage adapter for flysystem - a PHP filesystem abstraction.
$ composer require chunpat/flysystem-tencent-cos -vvv
$secretId = "your secretId";
$secretKey = "your secretKey";
$region = "ap-guangzhou"; //set a default bucket region 设置一个默认的存储桶地域
$cosClient = new Qcloud\Cos\Client(
'region' => $region,
'schema' => 'https', //协议头部,默认为http
'credentials'=> array(
'secretId' => $secretId ,
'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
$bucket = "zzhpeng-1256184324"; //存储桶名称 格式:BucketName-APPID
$key = "exampleobject"; //filename or path
$adapter = new \Chunpat\FlysystemTencentCos\Adapter($cosClient,$bucket);
try {
$srcPath = "/Users/zzhpeng/Documents/WechatIMG8.jpeg";//本地文件绝对路径
$file = fopen($srcPath, "rb");
$filesystem = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);
// 设置属性
// 如设置了Content-Type,则可以不指定路径的后缀 (即$filePath可以不包含.jpg等后缀名)
$fInfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mimeType = $fInfo->buffer($srcPath);
$config = [
"Content-Type" => $mimeType
// $filePath = "test";
$filePath = "niubi/6666666";
// 上传
// $filesystem->write($filePath, $file , $config);
// var_dump($adapter->getResult());
// 更新
// $filesystem->update($filePath, $file , $config);
// var_dump($adapter->getResult());
// 删除
// $filesystem->delete($filePath);
// var_dump($adapter->getResult());
// 检测是否存在
// var_dump($filesystem->has($filePath));
// var_dump($adapter->getResult());
// 读取文件信息
// $result = $filesystem->read($filePath);
// var_dump( $result);
// $result = $filesystem->getVisibility($filePath);
// var_dump( $result);
// $visibility = 'public';
// $result = $filesystem->getVisibility($filePath,$visibility);
// var_dump( $result);
// $newfilePath = "niubi/232132";
// $result = $filesystem->copy($filePath,$newfilePath);
// var_dump( $result);
// $newfilePath = "niubi/6666666";
// $result = $filesystem->rename($filePath,$newfilePath);
// var_dump( $result);
// $newfilePath = "niubi2";
// $result = $filesystem->createDir($newfilePath,$config);
// var_dump($adapter->getResult());
// $filePath = "niubi/6666666";
// $result = $filesystem->deleteDir($filePath);
// var_dump($result);
// var_dump($adapter->getResult());
// $filePath = "1111111";
// $result = $filesystem->getMetadata($filePath);
// var_dump($result);
// var_dump($adapter->getResult());
// $filePath = "";
// $result = $filesystem->listContents($filePath);
// var_dump($result);
// $filePath = "23333333";
// $sourcefile = fopen($srcPath, 'rb');
// $result = $filesystem->readStream($filePath);
// $filePath = "23333333";
// $sourcefile = fopen($srcPath, 'rb');
// $result = $filesystem->readStream($filePath,$file);
// $filePath = "23333333";
// $sourcefile = fopen($srcPath, 'rb');
// $result = $filesystem->updateStream($filePath,$file);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "$e\n";
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- 1、https://github.com/tencentyun/cos-php-sdk-v5
- 2、https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/12266#composer