
A memory safe statically typed systems programming language (WIP). support low-level memory access.

Primary LanguageFantomMIT LicenseMIT


memory safe and compiled systems programming language


  • fast as C. low-level memeory access
  • safe as Rust. compile time lifetime check
  • object-oriented. inheritance and polymorphisn
  • simple as C. less features than C++
  • interoperate with existing code. compile to C++ code
  • familiar C-like syntax
  • non-nullable pointer


Pointer Type

raw int* p;      //unsafe raw pointer
int& p;          //instant pointer
int* p;          //unique ownership pointer
shared int* p;   //reference count pointer
weak int* p;     //weak pointer

Pointer safe

unique pointer and instant pointer work like Rust, but no lifetime annotations.

  • other pointers can implicit convert to instant pointer.
  • instant pointer convert to others in unsafe block.
  • short liftime object can't be referenced by long lifetime.
void foo() {
  int& p = ...;
  if (true) {
     int a;
     p = &a; //compile error
  • borrow check
void main() {
  int* p = ...;
  int& p2 = p;
  foo(move p); //compile error

Copy and Move

it cannot be copied if the struct has unique pointer:

struct A {
  int* i;
A a;
A b = a; //compile error

move the ownership

struct A {
  int* i;
A a;
A b = move a;
print(b); //compile error: already moved


dereference raw pointer in unsafe block

raw int* p;
unsafe {
  int i = *p;

unsafe function must call in unsafe block

unsafe void foo() { ... }

void main() {
  unsafe {


Only interface can have virtual methods. Inherite struct by super keyword.

interface I {
  virtual void foo();

struct B {
  int a;
  void bar() { ... }

struct A : I {
  B super;
  override void foo(B* b) {



defaults to public

Init Block

struct A {
  int i;

A a = { .i = 0; }
A *a = alloc<A>() { .i = 0; }
unsafe A *a = alloc<A>() { .i = 0; }
shared A *a = alloc_shared<A>() { .i = 0; }

type inference

a := alloc<A>() { .i = 0; }

this init block:

struct A {
  const int i;
  void init(int s) {
    this { .i=s; }

a := A.init(2);
p := alloc<A>().init(2);

Pointer Usage

A a;
A* b;

type cast:

A *a = cast<A*>(p);
B *a = unsafe_cast<B*>(p);

no pointer arithmetic in safe mode.


array define

int[14] a;

array pass by array ref

foo(int[] a) {

array ref is temp fat pointer.

pointer to array ref

raw int* p = ...;
int[] a = as_array(p, 14);

int& q = a.pointer;


struct Bar<T> {
  void foo() {

T foo<T>(T a) {
   return a;


non-nullable is default.

B* a;
B*? a = null;


readonly for outside class.

struct A {
   readonly int i;
   void change() {
      i = 1;

A a;
a.i = 1; //compile error;

const class and const value

const struct Str {

const Str* str = ...;

global value mast define as const in safe mode.

Operator overload

struct A {
    operator A mult(A a) { ... }

var c = a * b;

operator method:

prefix     symbol    degree
------     ------    ------
negate     -a        unary
increment  a++       unary
decrement  a--       unary
plus       a + b     binary
minus      a - b     binary
mult       a * b     binary
div        a / b     binary
mod        a % b     binary
get        a[b]      binary
set        a[b] = c  ternary
add        a { b, }


enum Color {
    red = 1, green, blue

Color c = Color::red;


Module is namespace as well as the unit of compilation and deployment.

A module contains several source files and folders.

The module is defined in build scripts:

name = std
summary = standard library
outType = lib
version = 1.0
depends = sys 1.0
srcDirs = src/*

import external module in source file:

using std;
using std::vec;

type alias in import statement:

using std::vec<int> as ints;

Planned Features


void foo(|int->string| f) { f(1); }
foo |i| { i.to_string };


A function that throw exception, must mark with throws keyword.

void foo() throws {

void dar() throws {

void bar2() {
  try {
  catch (Exception *e) {


struct Bar {
  private int _size;
  setter void size(int s) {
    this._size = s;
  getter int size() { return _size; }

Bar b;
b.size = 2; // call b.size(2);
int n = b.size;

Removed features from C++

  • no reference, only pointer
  • no class, only struct
  • no header file
  • no function overload
  • define one var per statement
  • no RAII
  • no explicit constructor and destructor
  • no nested class, nested function
  • no namespace, only module
  • no macro
  • no template constraint
  • no union
  • no forward declarations
  • no three static
  • type alias in import statement
  • no friend class
  • no ++i only i++ and exper type is void
  • no switch fallthrough
  • no do while statement