
Quickly build open source web pages for academic purposes in a pythonic and elegant way.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Quickly build open source web pages for academic purposes in a pythonic and elegant way.

pyspage makes it possible to build web pages with sophisticated logic from a single Python script. What pyspage actually does is turn a plain .py file into a valid pyscript page, you don't have to worry about anything other than what you really want to do.


pip install pyspage

An Example

Go to directory demo/, there is already a script scatter_hist.py.

pyspage scatter_hist.py -sb

A file named scatter_hist.html is generated, your browser opens a tab and show it.



Step 1

Create a new file named index.py which consists of mainly two parts, layout and script.

In the layout part, a layout variable should be defined, of which the contents are the page elements named in a way you like. The hierarchical relationships are expressed by indenting.

layout = '''

In the script part, all the elements above should be created.

from pyspage import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

row_a = Row()
row_b = Row()
col_a = Column()
col_b = Column()
box   = Column(class_='col-6')
btn_a = Button('CLICK a')
btn_b = Button('CLICK b')

You can define a function and let an element run it on a certain event happens.

btn_a.onclick = lambda e: print('a is clicked!')

def click_b(e):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    fruits = ['apple', 'blueberry', 'cherry', 'orange']
    counts = [40, 100, 30, 55]
    ax.bar(fruits, counts)
btn_b.onclick = click_b

def create_box():
    box.write('This is the content.')
box.oncreate = create_box

You can create a figure with matplotlib or altair, and show it in an empty box(row or column) by box.write(fig).

Step 2

In your terminal, run as follow

pyspage index.py

a index.html in current directory is generated.

If you use the arguments -s(for server) and -b(for browser), pyspage will start a server on and open browser automatically.

pyspage index.py -sb


This page can then be deployed on GitHub Pages, you don't have to bother about anything with HTML, JS or backend APIs.πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

The easiest way to use GitHub Pages with your built HTML is to use the ghp-import package. ghp-import is a lightweight Python package that makes it easy to push HTML content to a GitHub repository.

ghp-import works by copying all of the contents of a folder to a branch of your repository called gh-pages, and pushes it to GitHub. The gh-pages branch will be created and populated automatically for you by ghp-import.

  1. Install ghp-import.
pip install ghp-import
  1. Call ghp-import and point it to the directory containing your HTML files.
ghp-import -n -p -f demo/

Now goto https://chunribu.github.io/pyspage/scatter_hist.html .The URL format is always {USER}.github.io/{REPOSITORY}/{FILENAME}. The filename can be omitted by changing name to index.html.

Deployment is that easy!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


  • Make sure that you included the -n, it tells GitHub not to build your book with Jekyll, which we don’t want because our HTML is already built.

  • You may neet to update the settings for your GitHub pages site:

    • Use the gh-pages branch to host your website.

    • Choose root directory /.

Supported Elements (Todo List)

  • Row
  • Column
  • Text
  • Button
  • Input
  • Textarea
  • SelectOne
  • SelectMulti
  • File
  • Image


The MIT License.