
Helm charts for GreptimeDB

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Greptime Helm Charts


This is the repository that contains Greptime Helm charts.


Getting Started

Add chart repository

You can add the chart repository with the following commands:

$ helm repo add greptime https://greptimeteam.github.io/helm-charts/
$ helm repo update

You can run the following command to see the charts:

$ helm search repo greptime --devel -l

Install the greptimedb chart

If you want to deploy GreptimeDB cluster, you can use the following command:

  1. Deploy GreptimeDB operator

    # Deploy greptimedb-operator in new namespace.
    $ helm install gtcloud greptime/greptimedb-operator --version CHART_VERSION --namespace greptimedb-operator-system --create-namespace
  2. Deploy GreptimeDB cluster

    $ helm install mydb greptime/greptimedb --version CHART_VERSION -n default
  3. Use kubectl port-forward to access GreptimeDB cluster

    $ kubectl port-forward svc/mydb-frontend 3306:3306

You also can list the current releases by helm command:

$ helm list --all-namespaces

If you want to terminate the GreptimeDB cluster, you can use the following command:

$ helm uninstall mydb
$ helm uninstall gtcloud -n greptimedb-operator-system

The CRDs of GreptimeDB are not deleted by default. You can delete them by the following command:

$ kubectl delete crds greptimedbclusters.greptime.io

List of Charts