- JVM: java virtual machine, abstract machine; provide runtime environment for running java bytecode
- WORA: write once run anywhere
- Compiler compiles java file into java.class file loadeed and executed by JVM
- Working Mechanism of JVM:
- Class Loader Subsystem
- Load class files
- Linking
- Bytecode verifier checks the generated bytecode -> verification error if fails
- Allocate and assign static variable memory and default values
- Resolve the symbolic memory references
- Initialization
- Static variable will be assigned
- Static block will be executed
- Run Time Data Area
- Method Area: store class level data (including static variables); one per JVM
- Heap Area: store objects and instance variables + arrays (not thread safe)
- Stack Area: separate runtime stack is created for every thread; stack frams are created for every method call
- PC register: store current executing instruction; each thread has separate PC registers
- Native method stack: native method information stored here
- Execution Engine:
- Interpreter: execute streams of bytecode; interprets the bytecode fast but executes slowly
- Just-In-Time(JIT) compiler: when found repeated code, use JIT compiler to compile bytecode to native code (improve performance by compile parts of the bytecode)
- Garbage Collector: part of the execution engine that removes the unreferenced objects
- Java Native Interface (JNI): interacting with the native method libraries
- Class Loader Subsystem
- JRE: java runtime environment, implementations of JVM, contain files/libraries used by JVM at runtime
- Analyze the bytecode, interprets the code and execute it
- JDK: java development kit, software environment for developing java applications = JRE + compiler javac + archiver jar
- Variable:
- local variable: created on the stack when a function is called
- instance variable: defined on the instance level; associated with objects
- static variable: defined on the class; associated with the class defined
- String: immutable; cannot change individual characters in the string
- String has to be edited through substring and concatenation; hence less efficient
- However, since it is immutable, String can be used as shared resources by the compiler
- There could be multiple references on the same pool constant
- When creating string with string literal:
- JVM check the string constant pool; if present, return reference, if not create new String instance
- Create string using literals is faster than new keyword: instances are not created all the time
- When creating string with new keyword:
- Through new keyword: JVM creates new object on heap; literal put in the constant pool
- Testing Strings for equality: always use "hi".equals(str)
- == tests if two strings are at the same location only
- Strings are implemented as a sequence of char values
- String API contains more than 50 methods that can be called on the strings
- String implements Serializable, Comparable and CharSequence interface
- String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder all implement the CharSequence interface
- String concatenation:
- Use +: Concatenation of Strings will create a new String object: time-consuming and use extra memory
- Use StringBuilder (or StringBuffer) class and its append method
- After concatenating the string, call toString() method to return a string
- Use concat()
- Mutable String: a string that is modifiable
- StringBuffer: mutable string, synchronized, faster than string for concatenation, does not override equals
- StringBuilder: mutable string, non-synchronized, faster than string buffer, not thread safe
- Array is a reference type, it is not a primitive type
- Creation of array:
- Static creation; initialize with the exact elements of the array when declare
- Dynamic creation; initialize with number of elements; but not the exact elements
- Arrays are stored on the heap (it is an object), using a continuous chunk of memory
- The variable referring to the array is stored on the stack with the value equal to the address of the first element in the array
- Hence, arrays take two memory blocks at least, one on heap and one on stack
- Arrays length is fixed once created; elements can be modified
- Look up based on indexing is O(1); Add/Remove element is O(N)
- String[] args: command line parameters -> java Program -parameter1 parameter2 parameter3
- Static method defined on Arrays Class:
- Arrays.sort() implements a tuned version of quick sort
- Arrays.binarySearch: binary search
- Scanner can be used to read input
- printf function can be used to format the output; allow setting flags as well
- object: entity with state and behaviors
- class: collection of object
- ways of creating object: new; clone; new instance; deserialization; factory methods
- anonymous object: objects with no names; no reference pointing to the object; used when objects are only used once
- constructor: method called when object is created with new keyword
- default constructor is created and used if no constructor is provided; providing default values to the fields
- constructor overloading: provide different ways to create objects with different parameters
- return type of constructor: current class instance
- static keyword:
- static is defined on the class level, it has no access to non-static stuff since there is no object associated
- static variable: common variable shared by all the instances of the class; memory efficient
- static method: method belongs the class; can be invoked without creating an instance; can access static variable
- static block: initialized static data member; executed before main method; main() is required to run a java program
- this keyword:
- used to refer to the class instance variable; refer to the address of the object created
- used to invoke the current class method (added automatically by compiler if absent)
- used to invoke the current class constructor (constructor chaining and reuse of constructor calls)
- can be passed in as an argument (used in event handling)
- can be used to return an instance of the current class
- equals(): by default compares if two objects are stored at the same memory location
- hashcode: an integer associated with every object in java
- if object1.equals(object2) is true, they must have the same hashcode
- Inheritance: IS-A relationship
- extends keyword
- type of inheritance: single; multilevel; hierarchical
- single: one class inherit another one
- multilevel: chain of inheritance
- hierarchical: >= 2 classes inheritance one class
- multiple inheritance is not supported in java: class C extends A, B
- Aggregation: HAS-A relationship
- create a reference of an object in another object
- when to use aggregation: IS-A relationship is not maintained throughout the lifetime of an object
- method overloading: same name of the methods but different parameters
- two ways of overloading: change the number of parameters; change the datatype of parameters
- type promotion: one type can be promoted to another type implicitly to match the datatype found
- method overriding: subclass declare same method as parent class; used for runtime polymorphism
- over instance method can be overridden; static method cannot be overridden
- covariant return types: overriding a method and change its return type (after java5)
- super keyword:
- used to refer to the immediate parent class instance variable
- used to invoke parent class instance method
- used to invoke parent class constructor (super() is added in each class constructor automatically by compiler if there is no super() or this())
- instance initializer block:
- executed when the instance of the object is created
- executed after the parent constructor; before the current class constructor
- final keyword:
- final variable: value cannot be changed
- blank final variable: a final variable that is not initialized at the time of declaration; but can be initialized through constructor (not change after that)
- static blank final variable: a final variable that is not initialized at the time of declaration; but can be initialized through static block
- final parameter: cannot modify this parameter in the function
- final method: cannot be overridden
- final class: cannot be extended
- final variable: value cannot be changed
- polymorphism:
- compile time polymorphism: overriding static method will result in this
- runtime polymorphism (dynamic method dispatch):
- overridden method resolved at runtime by JVM
- data variables are not overridden, hence does not display runtime polymorphism
- Type binding:
- everything has a type in java
- static binding: the type is determined during compile time (private, final or static method)
- dynamic binding: the type is determined during runtime
- instanceof operator: test if object is an instance of a specified type
- Type Casting: converting one datatype to another
- up casting: child object typecasted to parent class object (generalization / widening)
- down casting: parent object typecasted to child class object
abstraction: hiding the implementation details
2 methods of achieving abstraction:
- abstraction class: class declared with abstract; abstract + non-abstract method; cannot be instantiated;
designed to be instantiated
- abstract method: method declared as abstract with no actual implementation
- interface: a blueprint of classes
- abstraction class: class declared with abstract; abstract + non-abstract method; cannot be instantiated;
designed to be instantiated
Interface and Abstract class comparison
- Abstract Class Interface Method Abstract + non-abstract method Non-abstract method only Variable Final; Non-final; Static; Non-static variables Static; Final Variables only Implementation Can provide implementation No implementation Multiple Implementations Extends another classes / Implement >=1 interfaces Extends other interfaces only
- Package: a group of similar classes, interfaces or subclasses
- Built in packages: java = lang + util + awt
- Importance of packaging: access protection; avoid naming collision
- Subpackage: package within another package
- Access modifier:
- Private: only available in the class
- Default: only available in the package
- Protected: only available in the package or outside the package through child class
- Public: can be accessed from anywhere
- inverse string of the domain name of companies (avoid repetition)
- package name appears as the first line of the code
- import JDK packages:
- java.lang: core package
- java.awt: window, gui
- java.net: networking
- java.io: input output
- java.util: utility such as collections
- import is used to import
- import package.classname: import a specific class
- import package.*: import every class from the package
- slow down compilation speed but not running speed
- if same name for imported classes: specify the full package name
- static import: used to import the static property and method of a class
- Clone objects
- Wrapper Class: convert primitive types into objects and from objects into primitive types
- convert primitive types into objects to pass in methods by reference
- objects are required to convert into streams and perform serialization
- only objects can work with synchronization
- collection framework only works with objects only
- Stream: sequence of data
- 3 automatically created streams attached with console: System.in; System.out and System.err
- OutputStream: write data into a destination
- FileOutputStream: write byte/char data into a file
- BufferedOutputStream: improved performance through using a buffer to store data
- ByteArrayOutputStream: write common data into multiple files; data written into byte array, which can be sent to multiple streams later
- DataOutputStream: write java primitive types in a machine independent way
- InputStream: read data from a source
- FileInputStream: read byte data from a file
- BufferedInputStream: improved performance through using a buffer to store data
- SequenceInputStream: read data from multiple streams
- ByteArrayInputStream: read byte array as the input as a stream
- Writer: abstract class for writing to character streams
- FileWriter: write character oriented data to file
- BufferedWriter: provide buffer for the writer instance to improve the performance
- CharArrayWriter: used to write common data to multiple files
- Reader: abstract class for reading character streams
- Console: used to get input from console; System.console() available for certain IDEs
- Exception: event / object thrown at runtime to handle runtime errors
- Exception handling ensures the normal flow of the application
- Exception and Error class both inherit from Throwable
- Checked exception: checked at compile time; directly inherit Throwable: IOException, SQLException etc
- Unchecked exceptions: checked at runtime; inherit from RuntimeException: ArithmeticException, NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException etc
- Error: irrecoverable: OutOfMemoryError, VirtualMachineError, AssertionError
- Unhandled exception: JVM prints exception description; stack trace and then terminates
- finally block: used to execute important code such as closing the connection
- throw keyword: used to throw an exception explicitly; used in the function; throw one exception at a time
- throws keyword: used in method signature to declare an exception might be thrown; throws >= exception
- Automatically imported into all programs
- Classes defined by java.util.lang:
- Primitive type wrappers: wrap primitive type in a class
- Number: abstract class defining superclass implemented by Double, Float, Byte, Short, Integer, Long
- parseInt; parseByte etc defined on the wrapper class: used to convert strings into primitive type numbers
- Char: wrapper around char / isDigit, isLetter etc used to check the categories of the character
- Boolean: wrapper around boolean
- Number: abstract class defining superclass implemented by Double, Float, Byte, Short, Integer, Long
- Void: TYPE field holds reference to the Class object for type void
- Process: primarily used as a superclass for objects created by exec() in Runtime
- Runtime: class that encapsulate run-time environment; cannot be instantiated
- Memory Management: totalMemory(), freeMemory() and gc() running garbage collector on demand
- ProcessBuilder:
- System: class that holds static methods and variables such as in, out, err, currentTimeMilis(); arrayCopy();
- System.getProperty() can be useful to check environmental properties such as user directory
- System.getSecurityManager(): return SecurityManager object; supports the Java security system;
- Object: superclass of all classes
- class implementing Cloneable interface can be cloned
- Class: encapsulate the runtime state of a class / interface
- automatically created when classes are loaded / obtained using getClass() / getSuperClass()
- Class<?> classObject = x.getClass() / classObject.getClass()
- ClassLoader: abstract class defining how classes are loaded / can be extended but not normally done
- Math: class defining floating point functions used for geometry and trigonometry
- Compiler: class supporting the creation of Java environments to compile java bytecode into executable code
- Thread, ThreadGroup and Runnable: classes used to support multithreaded programming
- Package: class encapsulates the version data associated with a package
- Throwable: class supporting exception handling
- StackTraceElement: class describing a single stack frame, returned by Throwable.getStackTrace()
- Enum: a list of named constants
- Primitive type wrappers: wrap primitive type in a class
- Interfaces defined by java.util.lang:
- CharSequence: interface implemented by String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder
- Comparable: interface implemented by classes that require meaningful comparison / compareTo()
- Cloneable: objects with implementing clonable interface can be cloned / not recommended to be implemented
- Appendable: interface implemented by classes that can have character / character sequence appended
- Iterable: interface implemented by classes whose objects will be used by the for-each version of the for loop / forEach()
- Readable: interface indicating an object that can be used as a source of characters / read()
- AutoClosable: interface supporting the try with resources statement / close() / IO class which need to close a stream
- Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler: implemented by class that wants to handle uncaught exceptions
- Subpackages defined by java.util.lang:
- java.lang.annotation: defines Annotation interface
- java.lang.instrument: add instrumentations to various aspects of program execution
- java.lang.invoke: supports dynamic languages
- java.lang.management: management support for JVM and execution environment
- java.lang.ref: provide flexible control over garbage collection / references to an object
- java.lang.reflect: provide ability to access field, constructors, methods and modifier of a class
- Generics: explicitly specify the type of data stored in the collection; increase in type safety and reduce run-time type mismatch errors
- Autoboxing/unboxing: automatically perform boxing of primitive types with the wrapper so that they can be stored in the collections
- Iterable Interface: root interface for all the collection classes; allow for loop and forEach
- Collection Interface: fundamental interface of the collection classes in Java library; extends the Iterable Interface
- Iterator Interface: next; hasNext; remove; forEachRemaining
- Think of iterator as being between elements
- next jumps over the next element and return the reference to the element it has passed
- remove function removes the element that was returned by the last call to next
Iterator<String> it = c.iterator(); it.next(); // first jump to the next element it.remove(); // then remove the element you jumped over
- Interfaces defined by Collection framework:
- Collection Interface: interface extends Iterable; implemented by all the classes in collection
framework; all collections can be cycled through by using for each style for loop
- List Interface: interface extends Collection; inhibits list data structure
- Queue Interface: interface extends Collection; list with first-in-first-out order
- Deque Interface: interface extends Queue; double ended queue
- Set Interface: interface extends Collection; represents unordered set of elements; no duplicates
- SortedSet Interface: interface extends Set; handled sorted set
- NavigableSet Interface: interface extends SortedSet; handle retrieval of elements based on closet match searches
- Map Interface: maps unique keys to values
- SortedMap Interface: extends Map; ensure ordering of entries based on keys
- NavigableMap Interface: interface extends SortedMap; handle retrieval of elements based on closet match searches
- Map.Entry Interface: support working with a map entry
- Collection Interface: interface extends Iterable; implemented by all the classes in collection
framework; all collections can be cycled through by using for each style for loop
- Classes defined by Collection framework:
- Collection classes
- List Classes:
- ArrayList: implements List interface using a dynamic array
- LinkedList: implements List, Deque, Queue interface using a doubly linked list
- Does not support index based random access with O(1) -> the following code is extremely slow
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){ list.get(i); }
- Does not support index based random access with O(1) -> the following code is extremely slow
- Vector: similar to ArrayList but synchronized; legacy classes made fully compatible with the modern
collection framework
- Stack: a subclass of Vector
- Queue Classes:
- PriorityQueue: implements Queue interface; creates a queue prioritized based on the queue's comparator
- ArrayDeque: implements Deque interface; dynamic array with no capacity restrictions; faster than ArrayList and Stack
- LinkedList: implements List, Deque, Queue interface using a doubly linked list
- Set Classes:
- HashSet: implements Set interface; use hashtable for storage; cannot be indexed
- use HashMap for implementation; keys used to store the elements; values are all PRESENT
- TreeSet: implements NavigableSet interface with a red-black tree; fast access and retrieval of element
- Slower compared to using hash table, but much faster than checking duplicates in array / linked list
- LinkedHashSet: extends HashSet with linked list; maintain insertion order
- EnumSet: implements Set interface, specifically used for elements of enum type
- HashSet: implements Set interface; use hashtable for storage; cannot be indexed
- List Classes:
- Map Classes:
- AbstractMap: implement most of the Map Interface; super class for map implementations
- EnumMap: extends AbstractMap to use with enum keys
- HashMap: extends AbstractMap to use a hashtable
- LinkedHashMap: extends HashMap to allow insertion order iterations
- TreeMap: extends AbstractMap to use a tree
- WeakHashMap: extends AbstractMap to use a hashtable with weak keys
- IdentityHashMap: extends AbstractMap to use reference equality when comparing documents
- Collection classes
- Iteration of Collection:
- Java defines parameterized interface Iterable, which has a single method iterator(): return an iterator of the
elements in the collection
- Iterator: a software design pattern that abstracts the process of the scanning through the elements.
- Snapshot Iterator: make a copy of the original ds, require additional time and auxiliary space (Fail Safe Iterator uses the idea of snap shot iterator)
- Lazy Iterator: does not make an upfront copy, not stable if the ds is changed before iteration finishes (Fail Fast iterator uses the idea of lazy iterator and work on the original ds)
- Iterator: a software design pattern that abstracts the process of the scanning through the elements.
- Method One using iterator: lightweight object; iterate through collection without the need to understand how the
data structure is implemented
- iterator: only traverse forward; for all collection classes
- list iterator: allow traverse forward and backwards; only for list classes; allow modification of array items
- spliterator: parallel iteration of portions of the sequences
- Method Two using forEach: for can cycle through any collection of objects that implement Iterable interface
- Iterator is the key that supports the forEach looping
- Java defines parameterized interface Iterable, which has a single method iterator(): return an iterator of the
elements in the collection
- Collection Algorithm:
- static method of the Collections class; can be applied to collections and map
- checkedCollection ensures type safety of the collection
- synchronizedList/Set used to obtain the synchronized version of the collections
- Legacy Classes and Interfaces:
- Collection classes are not synchronized but legacy classes are synchronized
- Enumeration Interface: superseded by Iterator
- Vector: synchronized, dynamic array; Stack has Vector as superclass
- Dictionary: abstract class fully superseded by Map
- Hashtable: concrete implementation of dictionary; integrated into the Collection framework by implementing the
Map interface; since it is synchronized, it is less efficient than HashMap
- HashMap allows null but Hashtable does not allow null
- Properties: a subclass of Hashtable; String key and String values
- Hashtable: concrete implementation of dictionary; integrated into the Collection framework by implementing the
Map interface; since it is synchronized, it is less efficient than HashMap
- Collection is an interface; Collections is a utility class which defines utility methods that can be used on collection; Collections only contain static methods
- StringTokenizer: implement the Enumberation interface, tokenize a string based on delimiter
- BitSet: creates a special type of array that holds bit values in the form of boolean values; all bits are initialized to be zero
- Optional: utility classes to handle situations when a value may or maynot be present; no defined constructor; need to create an instance
- Date: class encapsulate the current date and time
- Calendar: an abstract class providing a set of methods that helps with converting time
- GregorianCalendar: concrete implementation of a Calendar
- Timezone: an abstract class to work with timezone offset
- SimpleTimeZone: subclass of timezone
- Locale: class describing a geographical or cultural region
- Random: class used to generate pseudorandom numbers
- Observable: class used to create subclasses that other parts of the program can observe
- Time/Timetask: schedule a task for execution at future time
- Currency: class encapsulates information about currency
- Formatter: class supporting creation of formatted output
- Scanner: read formatter input and converts it into its binary form
- Java util subpackages:
- concurrent
- concurrent.atomic
- concurrent.locks
- function
- jar
- logging
- prefs
- regex
- spi
- stream
- zip
- Thread Creation: extends Thread; implements Runnable; use Callable & Future
- Life Cycle of a thread: new -> runnable -> running -> blocked -> terminated
- new: create a new thread; before calling the start()
- runnable: a thread is in the runnable state if start() is called but not yet getting selected
- running: thread selected by the scheduler to run
- blocked: thread is alive but not eligible to run
- terminated: after the run() is finished or stop() is called
- Daemon Thread: service provider thread which provides services to user thread; life depends on the user thread
- examples of daemon threads: finalizer; gc
- daemon thread needs to be set before the thread starts
- sleep() and wait():
- sleep: static method on Thread; does not change the lock on the object
- wait: method on Object; release the lock; can be wakened up through notify;notifyAll
- notify() and notifyAll():
- run() and start():
- thread creation: start creates new thread and then run gets executed; run does not create a new thread, just execute on the current thread -> hence not multithreading
- multiple invocation: start cannot be called tice but run can since it is just a normal method calling
- Synchronization: prevent thread intervention and consistency problem: every object has a lock/monitor; a thread
that needs consistent access to an object's fields has to acquire the lock (enter the monitor) first, and then release the lock after they are done;
all other threads attempting to enter the monitor has to wait
- method 1 of obtaining lock: synchronized method (suitable for small code amount)
- automatically does its job when wrapped in synchronized block
- a thread cannot be interrupted
- not guarantee particular access order
- lock should be released in the same order of acquiring
- method 2 of obtaining lock: reentrant lock (suitable for larger amount of code)
- needs to explicitly call lock and unlock method
- use lockInterruptibly() to interrupt a thread
- fairness parameter can favor the longest waiting thread
- lock can be released in any order
- method 1 of obtaining lock: synchronized method (suitable for small code amount)
- Synchronized method: thread acquires the lock for shared resource; release the lock when done
- Synchronized block: synchronization on any specific resource of the method; smaller scope than synchronized method
- DeadLock:
- A deadlock occurs when two or more threads wait forever for a lock or resource held by another of the threads.
- An application may stall or fail as the deadlocked threads cannot progress.
- LiveLock:
- Two or more threads keep on transferring states between one another instead of waiting infinitely.
- None of the thread can perform their tasks properly
- LiveLock:
- Data inconsistency: synchronized only applicable for methods; not for variable/classes; data inconsistency happens
when multiple threads try to access the same java object
- use synchronized keyword to lock the variable; might incur performance issue
- use volatile keyword: read and write back to the RAMs instead of cache; better performance
- Atomic Action:
- A thread can be suspended in the middle of performing some tasks
- Atomic actions cannot be suspended in the middle
- Reading and writing reference variables: myObj1 = myObj2
- Reading and writing reference primitive variables except longs and doubles
- Reading and writing reference variable that is declared as volatile
: can be used for making reading and writing variable atomicAtomicInteger
are available
- ThreadLocal: local variable not shared outside the thread; memory leak might happen
- Thread Pool:
- newFixedThreadPool: every new task creates a new thread until max
- newCachedThreadPool: automatically recycle the free threads
- newSingleThreadExecutor: only single thread; execute the tasks based on the sequence in queue
- newScheduledThreadPool: fixed size thread pool; tasks can be timed