
A repo for learning how to build a spring boot api project

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Framework CRUD API

This is a spring boot framework learning repository based on the tutorial from AmigoCode. It contains a simple API configured using spring boot. You are able to perform standard GET, PUT, POST and DELETE request with this application against a Student table setted up with PostgreSQL.


  1. Clone this repository from github to install:

    git clone https://github.com/chunyuema/spring-boot-api.git
  2. Download and set up PostgreSQL locally

  3. Open the project with IntelliJ

  4. Run the Main class to start the server

  5. You can also use the Maven build tool (Maven -> Install) from the IntelliJ to generate the jar file

    java -jar spring-boot-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar  


Use Postman to test the API

  1. GET:

  2. POST:


    with a request body as follows

     "name": "alex",
     "email": "alex@gmail.com",
     "dob": "1995-12-17"
  3. DELETE:

  4. PUT:



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.