
Docker images by tech stack

A. Storage 1. Redis 2. RedisInsight 3. Mariadb 4. Postgresql 5. SQL Server (include the edge image for ARMx64) 6. Mongodb 7. mySQl 8. memcached 9. influxDb 10. neo4j 11. cassandra 12. couchbase B. Tech stack 1. alpine (support .net, java, nodejs and python) 2. 3. .net core sdk and aspnet runttime (from version 3.1 to latest) 4. nextjs-docker (should pull at least three LTS version) 5. python:slim-buster (should pull at least three LTS version) 6. node slim && node bullseye-slim (should pull at least three LTS version) 7. 8. jmeter 9. selenium 10. Keycloak 11. eclipse-temurin 12. Maven C. Orchestration & tool 1. minikube 2. k8s 3. nginx 4. Microsoft tye. 5. istio 6. traefik 7. ubuntu: full and slim (should pull at least three LTS version) 8. debian: full and slim (should pull at least three LTS version) 9. amazonlinux (should pull at least three LTS version) 10. tomcat 11. kong 12. logtash 13. amazoncorretto (should pull at least three LTS version) 14. busybox 15. Prometheus 16. rafana

D. Messages 1. RabbitMQ 2. ActiveMQ