
A component of http://www.mapfish.org for printing templated cartographic maps. This module is the java serverside module. It works well with the mapfish print javascript module.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Please read the documentation available here: http://mapfish.github.io/mapfish-print/#/overview


Execute the following command():

> ./gradlew build

This will build three artifacts: print-servlet-xxx.war, print-lib.jar, print-standalone.jar

The build also builds the documentation in the docs/build/site folder. To deploy the documentation it should simply be copied to the gh-pages branch and then committed github will automatically build the updated site at: http://mapfish.github.io/mapfish-print/#/overview

If you only want to build the docs simply run

> ./gradlew docs:build

or run buld in the docs directory


The following command will build and upload all artifacts to the maven central repository.

> ./gradlew uploadArchives -DsshPassphrase=...

To use in Eclipse

Create Eclipse project metadata:

> ./gradlew eclipse

Import project into Eclipse

Run from commandline

The following command will run the mapfish printer. The arguments must be supplied to the -PprintArgs="..." parameter.

To list all the commandline options then execute:

> ./gradlew run -PprintArgs="-help"
> ./gradlew run -PprintArgs="-config examples/config.yaml -spec examples/spec.json -output ./output.pdf"

Run in Eclipse

  • Create new Java Run Configuration
  • Main class is org.mapfish.print.cli.Main
  • Program arguments: -config samples/config.yaml -spec samples/spec.json -output $HOME/print.pdf