
Primary LanguagePython




download efficient_sam_s_cpu.jit and efficient_sam_s_gpu.jit and put them into folder:



Import this template_mask.json to add neccessary nodes.

Template Manager Import template Load Template

❗️ If you want to use it in your own workflow, you'd need to adjust Set and Get variables that are used in this template.

Generating Masks

  • Set your PROJECT_DIR in Load Video group, this will create this project dir in your outputs dir. Masks will be saved there.
  • Input a text description of the object(s) you want to generate masks for into Object to detect node.
  • Adjust confidence_threshold if your object detected incorrectly or not detected.

alt text

💡 You can read more about detection parameters here

You can generate masks for separate objects and save them separately or as a combined mask.

For separate masks for multiple objects, use separate Mask Generate groups for each object, duplicate group if needed.

For combined mask of multiple objects just use comma-separated input for Object to detect node. For example - hands, cube

cube hands cube, hands
cube hands cube, hands

❗️ After successful generation disable(RMB->Bypass or Ctrl+B) these groups and use Load Masks groups for the rest of your workflow.

Load Masks

Enable relevant Load Masks groups

Make sure that Output dir path has a correct path to your output folder.

load masks

💡 Notice that Object to detect Node is used to compose the path to the folder with masks.