- akmorp
- alexey1234Karmiel, Israel
- antranigv@illuria
- biancalana
- bluedogsWindWave
- bluemutedwisdomblue.muted.wisdom / Mute Fantasies
- BobzikwickAdelaide, South Australia
- creepingfurCreepingFur Inc.
- dweimerMoberly, MO
- gmshake
- gratuxriStuttgart
- GuillaumeBibautFrance
- handcode@dmstr
- javasboy
- jepaceSF Bay Area, CA
- JohanhenNone
- kovertOmniscient Techonologes
- lattera@HardenedBSD
- mateuszkwiatkowskiDreamhost
- molander@iXsystems @freenas
- mseveUniversity of Glasgow
- murf0Gothenburg, Sweden
- no-trace-of-time
- nulani
- rafaelescrich@dfb-chain
- rogeliozunigarubioRich Strategy Inc.
- saken658
- serverlabchAarau, Switzerland
- shollyRed Hat
- soediroCTO of MDE zone & DFXIndo
- tomwwSelfemployed, just ask.
- wheelcomplexChina
- ximad
- yannkSan Francisco, CA, USA
- zchee@gaudiy