
A Northwestern Libraries repository application

Primary LanguageElixir


Build Coverage Status Dependabot Status


Initial startup:

  • From the meadow project root, cd app.
  • Install Elixir dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Run mix meadow.setup. This creates the Sequins pipeline, S3 buckets, and database.
  • Install Node.js dependencies with mix assets.install
    • assets.install looks for all package-lock.json files project-wide and runs npm install in each directory found, so you don't need to run npm install in individual directories.
  • run sg open all 3001
  • Start the Phoenix server with mix phx.server (or iex -S mix phx.server if you want to an interactive shell).

Now you can visit https://[YOURENV].dev.rdc.library.northwestern.edu:3001/ from your browser.

Stopping the application

You can stop the Phoneix server with Ctrl + C twice

Clearing and resetting data

If you need to clear your data and reset the entire development environment, from meadow/app run:

mix ecto.reset
mix meadow.search.clear
mix meadow.pipeline.purge
clean-s3 dev -y

mix deps.get
mix meadow.setup
mix phx.server


You may need to run mix deps.get again if new dependencies have been added

You may need to run mix assets.install if new node packages have been added


If you need to reset the database you can run mix ecto.reset which will drop + create + migrate the database

If you just want to run the migrations but leave the data intact, you can just do mix ecto.migrate

If you would like to interact directly with the database

Run the Elixir test suite

  • run mix test


You can visit the GraphiQL interface at: https://[YOURENV].dev.rdc.library.northwestern.edu:3001//api/graphiql

Opensearch Dashboard

  • To start: es-proxy start
  • To stop: es-proxy stop
  • See the console output for the url to the dashboard

Reindexing data

To force an Elasticsearch re-index, and not wait for the 2-minute cycle to kick in when updating a Meadow item:

Run the interactive shell in a terminal tab

iex -S mix

And force a re-index:



Meadow's Terraform code is stored in this repo. To run Terraform commands, you'll need to do the configuration setup

UI Customization

Meadow runs in Development, Staging and Production environments. To help distinguish environments (and avoid potential errors), Staging and Development environments support alternate, background colors.


  • A wrapper CSS class of is-production-environment wraps the main HTML element (in case anyone wants to target a selector for any reason).


  • Supports a toggle background color switch in the site header
  • Customize your own dev background color by updating the hex value for localStorage property devBg
  • A wrapper CSS class of is-staging-environment wraps the main HTML element.


  • Supports a toggle background color switch in the site header
  • Customize your own dev background color by updating the hex value for localStorage property devBg
  • A wrapper CSS class of is-development-environment wraps the main HTML element.