
Reports and data for the course Programming of Supercomputers at TUM (WiSe18).

Primary LanguageC


Reports and data for the course Programming of Supercomputers at TUM (WiSe18).

How to add material to the repository

Please DO NOT add output files to the repository! To make sure you are not doing that by mistake, you can simply run a make clean (more info below!) from within a report subfolder, in this way all output will be deleted.

How to start a new report

If you have to start worksheet number, let's say, 1, just run the following command (within the repo base folder):

./init-new-report.sh 1

This will copy and initalize everything properly into folder Report_WS1.

Then add the new folder to git with:

git add Report_WS1<number>

How to write the report

Once the report is initialized (still assuming WS1), go into its folder cd Report_WS1 and edit the report_WS1.tex file.

How to compile the report

Within the report's folder, just hit:


Output will be placed into the Out/ subfolder.

How to auto-compile every time I save the source file

Within the report's folder, just run:

make autocompile

This will wait for changes in all the various .tex source files and recompile as soon as one is detected. So every time you save some changes, the PDF will be automatically updated.

WARNING: This requires the evince PDF reader to be installed.

How to clean all output

In case you want to clean all compilation output:

make clean

Enjoy! :)