
Backend of Snippet Board website

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Snippet Board Backend

Express JS backend server for my Snippet Board website.

Handles user account (login, signup) and snippet CRUD.

Data structure


Key Type Nullable Notes
id integer false pk, auto increment
title string false
description text true Long text, varchar
body text false Long text, varchar
syntax string false default value: 'plain_text'



  • GET :4055/ response: 'Hello world!'


  • POST :4055/users/signup body: { name, email, password }
  • POST :4055/users/login body: { name, password } response: { token }
  • GET :4055/users/me header: { Authorization:'Bearer token' } response: { id, name, email }


  • GET :4055/snippets/user header: { Authorization:'Bearer token' } response: {[ userSnippets ]}
  • POST :4055/snippets/user header: { Authorization:'Bearer token' } body: { title, imgUrl, minimumBid }
  • GET :4055/snippets/user/:postId header: { Authorization:'Bearer token' } response: { userSnippet }
  • PATCH :4055/snippets/user/:postId header: { Authorization:'Bearer token' } response: { updatedPost }
  • DELETE :4055/snippets/user/:postId header: { Authorization:'Bearer token' }


  • Express JS
  • Sequelize
  • JWT Authentication with bcrypt
  • Developed with ElephantSQL, deployed with Render