
Using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and SVM (Support Vector Machine)

Primary LanguagePython

How to run the code

Download Fer2013 dataset if training of the model is being executed and create a folder with the name data in the main folder and place the fer2013 folder in the data folder-

- [Kaggle Fer2013 challenge](https://www.kaggle.com/c/challenges-in-representation-learning-facial-expression-recognition-challenge/data)

#For SVM

  1. Download model, unzip and place in the SVM folder

  2. Install dependencies

    pip install numpy
    pip install argparse
    pip install sklearn
    pip install scikit-image
    pip install pandas
    pip install hyperopt
    pip install dlib
  3. Convert the dataset to extract Face Landmarks and HOG Features

    python convert_fer2013_to_images_and_landmarks.py
  4. Train the model

    python train.py --train=yes
  5. Evaluate the model

    python train.py --evaluate=yes
  6. Train and evaluate [instead of step 5 and 6]

    python train.py --train=yes --evaluate=yes 
  7. Customize the training parameters:

    Feel free to change the values of the parameters in the parameters.py file accordingly.

  8. Find the best hyperparameters (using hyperopt):

    python optimize_parameters.py --max_evals=15


  1. Install Dependencies

  2. To run the demo, just type:

    python3 main.py

Then the program will creat a window to display the scene capture by webcamera. You need press SPACE key to capture face in current frame and recognize the facial expression.

  1. To train models Modifying the MODE(in main.py) from demo to train before you start training. Then type:
    python3 main.py